Nudes | Nate Maloley

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You and Nate were chilling in his living room. Your back was against his chest and you guys were basically just scrolling through your twitter.

Nate shifted in his seat causing you to slip off his lap.

"Whats wrong?" You gave him a questioning look.

His face was filled with utter confusion. He didn't even answer your question.

You stand there in shock wondering why your boyfriend had basically just pushed you off his lap.

He suddenly got up from his seat and pulled down your shirt staring at the arrow tattoo you had near your collar bone.

"Babe, whats up? Your scaring me." You say reluctantly.

"Is this you?" He said turning his screen around to you.

It was a picture of a girls boobs.

You sighed walking over to the couch as you sunk your face in between your knees.

Nate stared at you with the little hope that it wasn't you or it had been photo shopped.

"Yes, it's me."

Disappointment spread across his face. No words were leaving his mouth.

You just sat there in an awkward silence.

"I don't even know how they got that picture.. it was from a while ago when I was dating this other guy."


"Babe, please say something." You plead.

"Do you have any idea how fucking bad this looks? Not only towards you but to me!! I put my relationship out in the open and this is how you show me up?!" His face soon turning red.

You shrunk away in fear.

"Just leave." He mumbled.

You waited a couple minutes a million things rushing through your mind until you realized you should just leave.

You grabbed your bag and was headed out the door without another word before you felt someone pull your hand back.

"Look I'm sorry I shouldn't of reacted that way," his voice was low. "these fans can get crazy and I know this isn't your fault."

You smiled at him.

He then brought you into his lap again.

"Did I mention that picture is fucking hot?" He breathed down your neck.

Sike y'all bitches thought I was gone.

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