♚ Preferences ; Annoying PDA

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Jack Gilinsky
You and Jack were the most annoying couple when it came to public displays of affection. You would just basically suck each others faces off with no shame. He would go in for a peck at the most random times and sometimes you guys would just break into a random makeout session in front of everyone.

Jack Johnson
You and Jack were known as the selfie couple. Basically you guys were the king and queen of cuffing pictures. You guys would always take selfies of him kissing your cheek or you guys kissing. Sometimes you would get your friends to take pictures of him holding you bridal style or of you guys acting like models.

Nate Maloley
You and Nate were the more reserved kind of couple, but time to time you could get really annoying. The most he did was come up behind you and hug you and began kissing up your neck.

Sammy Wilk
You and Sammy were the wild type. You guys would almost come close to fucking in pubic. He would basically hold you up against the lockers with your legs wrapped around his waist while you guys just made out.

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