♚ Preference ; He Finds Your Old Fan Account

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*basically you're dating one of the guys and you never deactivated your old fan account*

Jack Gilinsky
You and Jack were chilling and shit and he starts laughing out of nowhere. You ask him what it was and he shows you his screen with your profile on it. You blush and put you head down sitting as far away from jack as he just laughed his ass off. You soon got angry. He then took you into his lap and told you how cute it was that you were such a big supporter before you two were together.

Jack Johnson
Your boyfriend was Jack was calling you. You picked up. "Hey *your twitter name*." You could basically hear him smirking through the phone. "Hey.." You gave a nervous chuckle. He told you that he came across your old fan account and how he wanted to show you how much he appreciated the support later at his place. A bad situation turned into a sexual one.

Nate Maloley
You got a notification on your phone. Your phone happened to be next to your boyfriend and you happened to be in the shower. "Babe, someone dm'd you." He yells out. You tell him you'll be out in a second. When you walk out with a towell wrapped around yourself you find him on your phone with a huge smile on his face. "Babe, you didn't tell me that you used to be a Johnson girl." he laughed. You then chased him all around the house for your phone before he saw all your old embarrasing tweets. You both stopped due to loss of breathe. You notice Nates eyeing your entire body. You look down to see no towell anymore.

Sammy Wilk
You got a twitter notification for your bf sammy and it was a screenshot of your account and then the caption was #wcw. You were so embarrased and mad at him for outing you. Whenever someone hated on you for dating sam you would make fun of them for being a fan account.. now your secret was out. Now all that he calls you is your old twitter user.

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