Party Pooper

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"I can't believe I actually decided to form an alliance with this moron." Law sighed, leaning up against the main mast of the Thousand Sunny, pulling his hat down past his eyes with a noticeable frown on his face.

You, who had come with Law onto the ship, were completely enjoying yourself in the bouncy and joyful environment, next to him sulking in the corner of course. And Caesar. He was on the other end of the ship up against a wall sulking about his capture.

"This was your idea, Law! Not mine~!" You called at him from in the middle of a silly game with the Straw Hats. "You should loosen up for once! Maybe this ought to do you some good. Even I saw how worked up your ass was working with Caesar. Good choice bringing me along. I can't get a damn word in to get you to have fun!"

"Oi! Tra-guy! Get over here and come play!" Luffy yelled childishly from behind you. "Your partner ______ is so fun!" He added.

"I don't "play" games." Law said blankly, shuffling more behind the mast and out of sight from the main deck.

"No fun!" Luffy spat, sticking out his tongue and stretching his eyelids down, making a stupid face to show his childish displeasure.

"He's always like that, Luffy. An uptight bitch that can't have fun for once in his life." You explained. "But I'm still here! And I'm a lot more fun that that bag over there. Now let's make this success a party!" You cheered.

Everyone on deck agreed with your sudden proposal. The Straw Hat crew, you, Momonosuke and Kin'emon, all gathered together and started to celebrate with tankards of sake and music galore. Brook brought out his guitar and started playing some sick tunes that sounded amazing with his musical skills. Franky joined in with a set of makeshift drums he created, and soon, the deck was full of life and cheer, all aside from the grumpy Law that hid behind the mast, and the sulking Caesar up against the wall.

"Oi Law! Maybe I should join the Straw Hats! It's more fun than your dull-assed submarine!" You joked, laughing more that you ever have before on a ship with others.

Law grunted rudely. "Like I care. You're just screwing around anyway." He scoffed.

You furrowed your brows and squinted at him questioningly. "I know you care. And you're just being a fucking PARTY POOPER." You shot back, strutting off with Chopper into the loud music.

Law rolled his eyes and walked completely around the mast, squarely behind it so he was in no one's view, sitting on the small ledge and leaning back grumpily, not giving a shit about the happiness around him.

Though you tried to ignore his shitty mood, you couldn't help but stare at the mast through all the fun and music. He was literally being a drag, and not even embracing the fact that he could let go and have some fun for once. Being so close to Law, it pissed you off that he wasn't having fun. He never smiled a genuine smile of happiness before, only those stupid smirks he put on when he thought of some devious plan or decided to fuck shit up, never one of enjoyment. Tonight, you decided you were going to make him have fun, and stop him from being the lame-o party pooper he was.

Quietly, you snuck up to the mast he was behind. You slunk around it until he was slightly in view, sitting with his back against the mast and to you, facing the wall and just staring at it blankly with half lidded eyes. Rolling your own, you slowly reached out with one of your hands, inching closer and closer to his prized spotted hat he wore on his head. Then, as quick as you snatched it, you went tearing off across the deck with the hat, giggling like a maniac.

With barely enough time to react on your actions, Law shot forward and rounded the mast with one swift movement and a look of sheer anger engraved on his face, breathing heavily with anger as he stared at you standing in the middle of the deck, spinning his hat on one of your fingers.

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