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Law being your lover, you now had to put up with the copious amounts of stress he put himself through on a daily basis. He was always up to his shoulders in paperwork of all sorts, never offloading any of his duties to anyone else as he took care of all his tasks alone. You could tell he was stressed by the trail of coffee cups he left everywhere he went on the sub, and you could see his eyebags from quite a fair distance away. The poor man was overworked and underappreciated, so it was about time you butted in and did something about that.

You knew for a fact that he was easy to fluster, so that would be your main starting point to tear him away from his work. On the many occasions you called him 'baby' or 'handsome' in front of the crew he always flushed red, so that was the advantage you had over him. It was the only plausible way to grab his attention, so you slowly wandered around the submarine until you reached his room where you knew he was surely droning away at his files, prepared to put up a fight to get him away from the workload. Sure enough when you pushed his door open, he was nose first in a stack of papers that was three days old, his quill scratching away at the margins. He paid you no mind when you entered, but he would soon.

"Hey sexy~ Working hard I see." You hummed, closing his door loudly.

Law froze when he heard your comment, and the tips of his ears went visibly red as he slowly set down his quill.

"_______, what is it that you want?" He questioned.

"What? I can't come say hi just because?" You said innocently.

"You clearly have other motives." He sighed, looking over his shoulder. :Must you be such a nuisance?"

"Mm, yes, I must. You haven't taken a break in three days, so I believe I have good reason to be bothering you." You argued.

"Tch. Maybe if you let me finish instead of distracting me, I'd take that break you think I so desperately need. I'm nearly done." He grunted, turning back to his work.

"You've been 'nearly done' for a pretty long time now. Sounds to me like you're just tryna get rid of me. Are you so easily flustered that you can't handle me~? Damn, I didn't know you were that easy." You smirked.

You sauntered up to him while he was still facing away from you and you threw one leg over his lap, seating yourself on top of him facing chest to chest. He sputtered in confusion, and you smirked deviously as you rested your arms on his shoulders, content with your position.

"__-_______, what the hell are you doing?!" He stammered.

"Hm? What do you mean? Oh I'm sorry, was this seat taken honey?" You teased.

"Don't fucking call me honey." He growled, irritated by how you were flustering him so easily.

"Why not, hun?" You persisted, digging your ass into his lap with all your weight.

That really set him off. Law stood up abruptly and held you tightly by your thighs, stepping aside and pushing you up against the wall. You let out a surprised little gasp as he pressed you into the cold steel wall, his fingers practically digging into your thighs as he leaned in nose to nose with you.

"Do not tempt me. Especially in front of my crew, you fucking tease." He growled.

You held tightly to his neck to stabilize yourself, a smirk and blush simultaneously spreading on your face.

"Ooo, so all I have to do to get this close to you is be a bit of a nuisance eh?" You hummed, enjoying the closeness.

"Shut it."

That closeness got even closer as Law closed the remaining inches between the two of you with a feverish kiss. His hands explored your body as you locked your legs around his torso for support, welcoming his love bites and roaming hands with little gasps. He caught your open mouth soon enough and forced his way inside, doing battle with your tongue while he squeezed harshly at your hips, and eventually breasts. The moment you elicited the tiniest of moans though, he stopped, pulling his lips back to stare into your eyes with a sense of lust and dominance.

"Are you satisfied now?" He questioned roughly.

"A little, yes~" You panted, your face now a bright shade of scarlet.

"Let me finish my fucking work and I'll make you more that just satisfied then." He promised suggestively.

Your heart began to pound with excitement, and you bit your lip. "Mmm, be my guest then~"

Law then let you down from the wall and backed up into his chair, leaving you to stand disheveled and excited as he turned back to the shrinking stack of papers he was working away at before. You sighed, deciding to let him work in peace while you waited for him to finish. You started to walk away and leave his room, but Law cleared his throat loud enough to make you stop and turn back to him.

"Where do you think you're going _______-ya? You wait here until I'm done. Watch and wait." He ordered, pointing to his bed.

You blinked a couple of times before pacing back to his bed, not expecting him to be so demanding all of a sudden. You crawled onto your stomach and rested your head on your arms, watching him intently with rosy cheeks.

"You're a pretty good motivational factor, I'll give you that." Law then mumbled, scratching away at his papers.

This made you giggle, arching your back a bit. "Good to know, honey~"

You swore you'd never seen that man's quill write as fast as it did now.

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