Fruitless Powers

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*Originally Published April 9th, 2019*


The powers of a devil fruit were so tantalizing, dangling endless possibilities for your future in front of you. You could do more good, even save more lives, but the same two problems existed and prevented you from ever getting a hold of such powers. The first problem was that devil fruits were rare, and you've almost never seen them aside from viewing them from afar, still out of your reach. The second problem was that you were scared. A lot of the fruits were unidentified, meaning that you could end up with a power that would hinder more than help, and you also couldn't bring yourself to lose the ability to swim, or become weak in the presence of sea water or sea stone. Being surrounded by water made it too much of a risk in your eyes, so you remained powerless, and normal.

It sucked, not having the abilities of a devil fruit. Most people you met had the powers from one of those fruits, and quite often some of the less than friendly people made fun of you for being weak. It pissed you off to be mocked, since you were a physically capable being, but you weren't on the level that fruit users were on, which is where some of them got their cruel superiority from. After all, you were a doctor, so your strength lied in calmly saving people's lives rather than whipping elemental waves or shape shifting to pummel an enemy. The only current confliction for you at the moment though, since you were considered weaker and a doctor as well, was your current travelling partner: Law.

You had met the man a few months back, both of you having a common goal of beating the hell out of a certain someone. When he discovered your profession a few weeks through your trip though, he nearly lost his mind. You were fruitless and an acting doctor in such a dangerous part of the world. He questioned you ferociously, demanding to protect you and only allow you to perform your medical duties with him present. Your ultimate goal was to help as many hospitals as you could on your journey, saving as many lives as you could since medical services weren't as great in some parts of the world. His paranoia interfered with this, as he too was a devil fruit user and a doctor simultaneously. His fruit allowed his job as a surgeon to be extremely easy since it was the ope ope no mi, and the advantage he had on you was minorly infuriating. You were yet again being underestimated. The protection part of Law's argument was sweet, but the monitoring of your practice because you weren't fruit assisted, not so much.

Regardless of it all though, you needed him, and sucked it up for the first bit. It wasn't that bad though, and after a few months you became quite accustomed to his behaviour and began working to prove your strength both physically and medically to him. You frequently beat the shit out of problem people before he could and told him to back off when things got serious at an island's hospital. You were a fast and accurate worker, and soon proved yourself to him that you didn't need fruit to be a valid surgeon yourself. Soon the both of you were quickly advancing in your goals, and that's what mattered most. Since he wasn't being a total turd about things now, he was quite bearable to be with, and even a little cute when he wasn't on your ass about being careful when you work.

Bringing things up to current, you had been travelling with him for over eight months. You had solidified your habit of helping out local hospitals on your way and made it quite successful. At first Law would follow you to make sure things went okay with you, and soon began following out of habit. The first few trips he grumbled and griped about bothering with strangers as well but had become accustomed to it and made it a personal habit to be there now. He enjoyed the experiences now, loving the sick children at every location. Your dream had become a routine now, and it was all the same at this next island you had stopped at. It was for a short break, and you started at a cute old-fashioned style restaurant for food, as sustenance was necessary.

"So, Law, are you gonna stalk me again when I go check up on the local hospital here?" You asked jokingly, taking a bite of the food you ordered.

"Hey, I'm not stalking. I'm merely assisting." He corrected, sipping his drink.

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