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"Ugh come on, just stay done up tight!" You groaned to yourself.

You had been in your room for a good half hour past when you normally went up to eat lunch with everyone on a lazy day, struggling in front of your mirror with your corset. Getting it tight was an occasional issue for you, as the ribbon decided to slide loose once again every time you tried to tie off the back. Sighing with frustration, you let the ribbon fall loose once again, needing to stretch the ache out of your arms from contorting them behind you in such a manner. You flipped yourself off in the mirror, nearly fed up with tying your corset down over your tank top. It was just an unlucky day though, so you took hold of the ribbons once more and gave it another go. As you were making your next attempt though, you heard a knock at your door.

"_______, you still haven't come up for lunch yet. You alright in there?" Law's voice rang through the steel.

"Er, kinda! You can come in. Actually, please do come in!" You answered.

Your door creaking open, Law stepped inside and was met with the sight of you yanking on your ribbons rather aggressively. "Is this what you've been doing the whole time?" He asked.

"Yeah. Not my day, that's for sure. Do you think you could help me tie this up though? My arms are killing me, and the angle isn't optimal." You asked sheepishly.

"Sure." He nodded, stepping up behind you and pulling your ribbons tight. "Is this tight enough?"

"No, just a little bit more if you could." You requested.

"If you say so. Just let me know if it's restricting your breathing. I don't wanna be responsible for that one." He commented, giving the ribbon one more good yank. "How's that?"

"Perfect! Tie 'er off!" You nodded.

Law did so with ease, tying a nice big bow in the back. The tightness didn't release like with your previous attempts, leaving you with a perfectly laced corset. You let out a huge sigh and stretched, content with the positioning.

"Thank you so much. For some reason the bastard wasn't complying with my demands today." You sighed, turning to face him.

"Clearly. You missed out on the beginning of lunch from taking so long. Why are you even wearing a corset by the way? I don't remember you even owning one, let alone have I ever seen you wear it." He asked, eyeing your cinched figure.

"I actually wear one quite often, it's just always underneath my clothing. The only reason I wear one is because of my constant back pain. You remember me mentioning that, right? This helps keep my back straight so it hurts less, but let's face it, it makes my waist look snatched and I like feeling hot too." you winked playfully, secretly trying to make yourself look enticing to him.

"You can say that again." He nodded, definitely appreciating your figure. He smirked at the flirtatious comment, and reached out to give one of the bones in your corset a good poke at the side. "That's some pretty tough stuff too. You could take a punch and not even feel it I bet."

Tipping a little from his poke, you snorted and stuck your tongue out at him. "Only the toughest stuff for me." You nodded, throwing on a flared black long sleeve top that was fitted at the waist and loose at the bust. "Well, now that it's on and I'm sorted, is lunch still around or has it been completely devoured by now?"

"There should be something left. At least I hope so for your sake." He chuckled, knowing his crew well enough. "We have docked at an island by the way, so it's entirely possible that some people skipped out and went straight to land for local food. We'll be idle here for a while until the log pose sets, so now would be a good time to stock up on supplies if you're up to the task." He added.

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