Prescription for Cuddles

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Why were you always so cold? No matter where you went on The Polar Tang there was always a blanket draped over your shoulders, shivering slightly whenever it fell off. Even when the heat was turned high you still felt cold, and often asked around to see if anyone else was cold. They never were of course, so it was a mystery as to why your skin was always so cold to the touch. It was a little concerning, so eventually you took yourself over to Law to see if anything could possibly be wrong. He was a doctor after all.

The results yielded weren't what you hoped for. After a brief examination, it was concluded that there was nothing wrong with you despite how cold you felt. It was a relief that there was nothing seriously wrong, but the fact that you were still cold discomforted you a little. Looks like you'd be walking around with a blanket forever now. But... Law did see an opportunity. He truthfully hated seeing you even slightly upset, so he wrote you a prescription; a special prescription. One he should've written for you all those years ago when you first joined his crew.

"There's only one thing that could be wrong to make you so cold, so I've written up the only solution I could think of. Unfortunately, Bepo will have to read out your chart and the instructions to you instead of me. There's something I must take care of right away." Law stated, and briskly walked out of the room.

He slapped the chart against Bepo as he left, both you and the bear staring at his back until he disappeared. Once he was gone, you both shot each other some confused glances and huddled together on the bed in the infirmary. It was time to read the chart.

"The hell is going on? Did something word happen with the sub lately?" You asked.

"No. That's the weird part. I have no idea what's got him in such a rush." Bepo mused. "Anyway... let's read your chart then huh?"

"Yes please do. I wanna know if I'll ever have the chance to stop shivering."

"Alrighty so... It says here that you have no serious issues aside from being naturally cold to the touch. There is one solution for a condition such as this, and it's prescribed here as... a heavy dose of... cuddles?! One dose every night for the rest of your life..." Bepo paused, and then started to grin and snicker. "Oh my god, _______ I think this is a confession!"

Your cheeks were dusted with a light pink as you scanned your eyes over the paper Bepo held, confirming that those were in fact the words written on the page.

"O-oh wow. Read the instructions. There's more." You huffed, looking further down the page.

"Right! Right, so, your first dose of this 'treatment' is taken whenever you go to bed tonight. You are to meet him at his room and he'll administer the treatment himself. Aw, this is so cute~! Captain is totally in love with you~!" Bepo hummed.

"Oh shush. He's probably just fucking around." You mumbled, swiping the paper out of his paws.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that _______. When have you known him to mess around like this? This isn't new information anyway~" He implied.

"W-what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means he's always been showing interest in you. You're just too oblivious to notice it!" Bepo laughed. "I know you won't mind this at all too~!|

"Oh get outta here! I've got shit to do, so don't tease me!" You scolded, getting up and leaving the infirmary.

Bepo was chuckling the whole time as you left, clearly amused by the situation. From there on out, you spent the whole day thinking about what was said on that silly little chart, wondering if it was some sort of joke. You made several attempts to find and ask Law what he was implying with it, but he was nowhere to be found for hours. He hid away expertly, meaning you had no answer to your questions and you would have to wait until the evening to get anything out of him. That absence of his sort of confirmed what was written though, and the more you thought about it, the more your heart fluttered for thinking he actually meant it.

The whole day went by without seeing him once, until finally it was time for you to go to bed. Already bundled up in your usual blanket and pyjamas, instead of going to bed, you made your way to Law's room. You had the paper in your hand, and gently knocked on the door, awaiting his response. A latch clicked, and silence followed. You took that as your sign to open the door yourself, and once you did, you saw him standing there like a fool in the middle of his room also dressed for bed.

"You actually came. Huh." Law muttered.

"I did. Sooo... Does this condition of mine have a name?" You asked, waving around the paper with a raised brow.

He nodded, a bit slow to get to the explanation. "It's... It's called 'lack of cuddles' disease. It makes you dreadfully cold without reason."

Hearing this, you laughed, thoroughly amused. He was in fact not kidding. Where you would otherwise still be embarrassed, you actually found this situation incredibly adorable.

"So, only you have the authority to fill this prescription then huh?" You asked.

He nodded again.

"Why not Bepo though? He's warm and fuzzy, so he'd be perfect for the job!"

"... Bepo doesn't love you though." He mumbled quietly.

"I'm sorry what?" You questioned.

He was silent again. The blush he wore gave him away completely. You weren't one to talk though, considering how scarlet your own cheeks were as you interrogated your poor captain.

"I'll only fill this prescription if you admit it." You bargained.

That got him. He did this whole thing just to have a chance at having a proper confession, so he couldn't back down now.

"I'm just... asking if you'll accept my love. Seeing you shiver constantly is distressing so this has a real purpose too, y'know." He finally admitted in classic tsundere fashion.

You softened after he spoke and felt a little bad for antagonizing him. It was what you did best though; annoying your favourite person was part of your brand. You finally approached him and wrapped him in a hug, blanket and all to let him know things were fine.

"Alright, I'll stop buggin' ya. I've fallen for you too, Law. It's been a long while since I first caught feelings for you, so when Bepo read off that chart I got a little excited." You hummed.

"So... You'll always be refilling this prescription then, right?" Law asked.

"Every night." You chuckled.

Law finally went from rigid to relaxed and returned your hug, feeling safe now that he had concluded you weren't going to just laugh it off. The feelings were mutual, and he let out a huge sigh as his arms wrapped around your waist.

Slowly, both of you waddled back towards his bed where he tipped over with you still in his arms, cuddling you close. He was indeed very warm, so you nuzzled into his chest happily while more blankets were draped over the both of you. He could easily tell that this was still a little new for both of you though, as when he checked up on you he noticed your still existing blush that had refused to go down.

"Well, it's working like I said. You're all warmed up now. Your cheeks tell me so." He hummed.

"Oh shut up. Don't act like you didn't throw the chart and Bepo and run off for the whole day." You snorted.

Law went silent and squeezed you a little, caught in his act. "You got me there..."

"Hah! We're both bad at this. How bout we just keep filling out this prescription then hey? It's a loooong treatment."

He nodded, both of you agreeing to simply embrace warmth and silence now. Admittedly, this was incredibly effective. You no longer shivered yourself to sleep like usual. For once, you had a warm body and warm arms to hold you close, making things so much easier. You could get used to this. Oh boy could you ever get used to this.

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