New Year's Kiss

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*Originally Published January 30th, 2015*


  "Come on Law! It'll be fun!" You said cheerily, tugging on his zipped up coat with a big grin on your face.

"_______ really?! Do we have to?" Law groaned in protest, slowly shuffling along, but still slightly resisting against your tugs.

"Yes we do! It's New Year's Eve! We're going to do EVERYTHING!" You sang, gesturing to the festive town square before you.

"Oh god, everything?!" Law complained, looking out at the square you gestured too.

"Yep! Everything~!" You repeated. "So come on Mr. Grumpy Pants! Pleeeaaaase~?" You pleaded, tugging on his sleeve playfully.

Law sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fiiine."

"Yes!!" You cheered, tugging harshly on his sleeve as you dragged him out towards the center of the island with the biggest smile on your face, him stumbling after you in hesitation.

You had forced Law to dock at the nearest island today, practically taking the wheel of his sub yourself and happily steering to the docks. It was New Year's Eve, and you wanted to spend the entire day with Law, whether he wanted to or not, doing a bunch of fun activities the entire evening all the way into the night. He practically cringed at the course shift, but didn't dare touch the wheel when you were at it, smiling as wide as you were. Now, being docked at this island this evening holding all your anticipated festivities, you finally convinced him to come with you, and you ran off gleefully towards the town square, taking him with you of course.

"So, what do you wanna do first?" You asked. "Since it took a while to find a place, it's already eight, but being in this weird part of the New World, the sun is just setting, so there's still time to do something fun while there's still light!"

"How about food then? I'm starving..." Law suggested, figuring he might as well start with something simple if he was going to be forced into activities this chilly evening.

"Sounds good!" You nodded with a smile.

You took off down the street with a skip in your step as you lead yourself and Law to a line of conveniently placed food stalls to start your evening off. Instantaneously, you ran up to the pizza one and ordered around three pieces of your favourite kind, turning to wait for Law, who was currently getting a bundle of steaming rice balls at the stall next to you.

"Aw, come one Law! Why can't you eat the fun food like pizza?" You asked, looking at his bland selection.

"I hate bread... Remember?" He pointed out simply, glancing at your cheese filled slices.

"Oh, you're such a butt!" You said, sticking out your tongue and blowing a raspberry at him. "Find a table so I don't have to stand. I swear I'm going to fall on all this ice anyway..."

With an eye roll and a nod, Law began to walk and search for a table amongst the chattering crowds. Wandering for a good two minutes, Law eventually spotted a table on the outside of all the rest grouped in the middle, conveniently set for two. Seeing as you hadn't noticed it yet, he raised a leg and kicked you in the butt to get your attention.

"Oi _______. Found a table." He said smoothly, jerking his chin in the direction of it.

"Wha- Law! Keep your feet to yourself!" You scolded, shooting a pouty face at him with a tint of blush.

He only smirked at you before walking off towards the table, you following behind with a pouty growl as you took a seat across from him, beginning to dig into your food in no time flat.

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