Youth in Blood

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*Originally Published October 28th, 2015*


  "Eeeh? Hey Law, did you read the paper this morning?" You asked, peering up over the top of the paper at hi from across the table.

"Hmm? No, why?" He replied curiously, bringing his eyes to yours from being spaced out.

"This is the craziest shit ever. I'll read this shit to you." You said, clearing your throat as you shook the paper straight again. "Wanted: Dead or Alive. Marie Ezilio, a criminal of our youth. This woman takes young and beautiful women from the streets and stows them away somewhere until she has enough as perceived by her. Her motive as to why is unknown, but all victims are found hanging on a wall with their throats slit. The location of the crime takes place in different areas every time, and a single bathtub is found there, stained with blood. No other information is known. Catch this killer!" You finished reading.

"Woman kidnaps women... and a bathtub stained in blood is found on location? The fuck?" Law questioned.

"Sounds like she's bathing in blood." You joked. "Like some fountain of youth bullshit."

"Nasty." Law grunted, shaking his head.

Quickly glancing over the article again, you came across the side note of where she was last seen.

"Uh, Law, what's the island called that we're stopping at again?" You asked.

"Akahana. Why do you ask?"

"It says that her last seen location was on Akahana. No murders yet, but she's been reported seen there." You said. "When we stop there, you better not let me die." You added, slapping the paper down.

"Ah. You'll be fine! She's probably gone now, or it was some paranoid spectator. Besides, you're way too tough to get caught by some psychotic woman. I taught you better than that." Law said with a wink.

"Aww, you flatter me too much~!" You waved off with a cheeky grin.

Both you and Law laughed at each other's comments, going on in further discussion of what to do once you reached the island. It was to be a quick stop to stock up on food and other supplies before another good week or so of sailing, and maybe hit a bar briefly for some fun before you go.

"So when we get there, are you gonna start acting all cold and salty again?" You questioned. "Like you were before I decided to come along~?"

"Yes. I need to maintain my image of how much I hate everyone." He replied simply, stretching in his chair.

"Smiling in public isn't gonna kill you, ya ass." You scoffed, rolling up the paper on the table and reaching across, swatting him on the head.

"Oi! Watch yourself _______." He threatened with a grin.

"Ooo, I'm so scared~!" You teased, throwing the paper at him.

Law quickly lurched up from his chair, startling you as you squeaked and began to run away in turn. He chuckled, hands on the table as his eyes shadowed over. "It seems you're forgetting that no matter where you are on this sub, you're always in my grasp." He said to himself, picking up the newspaper and tossing it into the air above him.

"Room: Shambles."

As the blue light spread throughout the current area, you immediately found yourself in the air where the newspaper once was, it now on the other side of the room where you were. Screeching, you fell, Law catching you in his arms.

"Checkmate." He grinned.

"No fair! Asshole!" You blushed, trying to squirm from his grasp. "C-cheater!"

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