Cure For A Broken Heart

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*I need to do a disclaimer cause i've had to explain this before so 2 things: 1. this is a real thing that happens to people yes but: 2. do not flex your fucking webMD degree that you got in 5 minutes of googling. Common sense dictates you should not take/expect medical advice from a fan fiction, so dont expect me to be factually accurate. this man can remove organs and teleport shit at will. embrace the fiction aspect of fan fiction plz lmao im just some guy not a doctor.


Confessions are... difficult things. You would know. It's been months since you decided you wanted to confess your feelings to Law, but every single attempt had ended in you backing out at the last minute, too fearful of rejection or something worse. Law wasn't a bad person, and you felt horrible inside for having assumptions like that, but your past had not been kind to you. Those scars had yet to properly heal over.

Even so, the swell of your heart was ever so slightly stronger than that fear. You simply had to tell him soon or you just might burst. Honestly, you never thought you'd need to ask for help with such a thing, let alone going to Shachi and Penguin for it. You needed the reassurance that you weren't making a bad decision, and those two were like brothers to you. Whatever you asked them, you were at least with complete confidence and trust in what they said.

"Uhm... Boys?" You called out, coming up on the deck of the recently surfaced Polar Tang. "Do you have a moment?"

The two were playing what looked to be an intense game of old maid -about as intense as two boys could possibly make a card game- but when they heard your nervous voice. The cards were put down in a heartbeat. Their 'heys' and 'c'meres' overlapped on a horrible chorus as they frantically waved you over, already all ears to hear what you had to say. With such an uncharacteristic tone of hesitance, you clearly needed to be lent an ear or two.

"C'mere _____, what's up? What has you wearing such a worried expression on such a nice day?" Shachi asked, patting the deck between him and Penguin.

You came up and plopped yourself down between them, a small box and folded up piece of paper being held in your hands. You fiddled with the items idly, looking at the deck while you thought of how to phrase what you wanted to say. Shachi and Penguin waited patiently, leaning forward to watch you with anticipation.

"I'm... going to try confessing again today." You spoke quietly.

"Ooooh! For real?" Penguin asked excitedly.

You nodded, finally looking up at the two of them. "Yeah. I just need a bit of a pep talk from you guys first. You know... Just tell me things are gonna be alright, or whatever."

The two of them immediately looked concerned, wondering why you would be so worried. To be fair, the boys possessed a bit of knowledge that you did not, so they had reason to be confident. They'd just have to carefully fill in the holes of your plan without revealing too much.

"You've been trying to do this for a while now. If it's okay to ask... Why are you so worried that things will go wrong?" Shachi asked you gently.

"Yeah. I mean, the worst he could say is no, but even then, I think your charm would easily win him over!" Penguin encouraged.

Their hopefulness was encouraging, but despite all that the nervous pit in your stomach still grew. It might just be time for you to give them the real reason why you were so nervous.

"I... Well, I'll just start with this: there are things worse than just saying no, and I've experienced a lot of those said things already." You mumbled. "Those things that happened... have left a scar on my heart. I'm defensive for a good reason."

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