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Sometimes, bad days catch up with you and you can no longer fight them off. It had already been a rather horrid week for you, but today was the final straw for your mental health. You lacked the desire to get out of bed this morning, and you remained beneath your sheets locked away in your room well into the afternoon, ignoring every knock on your door. The only person you bothered to give a response to was your significant other Law, but it was a short and muffled little 'not now' to kindly decline his request to come in as nicely as you could manage. You wanted to be alone for now, so no one bothered you once they realised you wouldn't be coming out, allowing you to sit in your misery as you fought to try and fix your mood.

Hours had passed by now, and you could tell the sub had docked somewhere by the sound of rapid footsteps above that indicated people were leaving the sub. Not even the thought of a new island to explore could bring you from your sheets though, so you remained bundled up in your blankets with nothing but a blank stare. At least there would be peace and quiet now. Perhaps you could even fall back asleep to get the day to go by faster. Just as you closed your eyes to try and leave the world once again, the faint sound of paper sliding on the floor could be heard, catching your attention. You didn't remember leaving any papers out, so none could have possibly fallen from anywhere. Curiosity having finally struck you hard enough to get you to sit up, you slowly turned to where you heard the sound come from to find out exactly what had disturbed your silence.

When you looked over at your door, your eyes came to rest on an envelope that sat neatly a few inches away from said door. It had clearly been slid underneath for you, and you stared at it for a good moment before you sighed and gave in, pushing your bundle of sheets off of your body.

"Who the hell is sliding notes under my door?" You mumbled to yourself as you swung your feet off of your bed and paced over to the little envelope.

When you bent over to pick it up, you found the envelope to be decorated with drawn hearts, the name written on the front of it being 'My Dearest'. It was clearly from Law, that much was apparent. It was even sealed with black wax accented in gold, displaying exactly how much love he put into such a trivial little thing. It was quite typical of him, and it earned a little scoff from you as you pulled at the seal and took out the note inside to read it.

'Hello my dear, it is well into the afternoon by now; but I'm sure you knew that already. You can't remain cooped up in your room all day, so I had everyone leave the sub so you can get some coffee in peace. Not a soul is on board but me, but I promise I will leave you be for now. Grab a snack while you're at it too. Your beauty cannot be sustained on oxygen alone, my dear. Let it flourish and feed yourself. ♥'

Simply reading the sweetness of his note made you blush as you neatly folded it back up and held onto it tightly. How could he make you blush without even being near you? The man truly had a way with words, both in writing and by his tongue. With a sigh, you decided to listen to his request and finally leave your room to get yourself a cup of coffee, opening your door for the first time in quite a few days.

What he wrote in his note was truthful. Not a soul could be seen or heard on the sub. All the halls were empty, leaving you with a peaceful and welcoming silence where you would not be pestered by questions. You sighed with relief, thankful that you were alone, and you then made your way to the kitchen to go and brew yourself a nice warm cup of coffee. Upon entering the kitchen, you noticed something a little out of place. Sticking to the kettle for boiling water was a tiny white card, and you could only assume that it was yet another note from Law. Plucking the card from the kettle, your assumption was made to be correct when you flipped it over to see more neat handwriting on the back of it.

'Just reminding you that you still look absolutely gorgeous even in pyjamas you've worn for three days straight. There's a bagel already toasted for you just off to the side for while you wait for the water to boil darling.'

"Tch, he's so sickeningly sweet sometimes." You scoffed, sliding the little note into the envelope with the other one, a ghost of a smile donning your features for a moment.

A wave of happiness came over you briefly thanks to his little notes, relieved to feel a bit of joy after sulking for so long. Placing the envelope of wholesome notes down on the counter, you began to boil some water and snack on the surprisingly still warm bagel that was set to the side. While waiting for the water to boil, you finished the bagel and hopped up onto the counter, reading over the notes a couple more times to really take in the sweetness of your lover. It turned out to be that you were a lot more hungry than you thought, so the snack was definitely appreciated. When the water finished boiling, you made yourself a cup of simple instant coffee so sip on as you sat on the counter, completely at peace with the warm caffeinated delight.

When you finished, you gently set the cup down into the sink and pushed yourself off of the counter to go and make your way back to your room, envelope in hand as you paced the halls. Upon arriving back at your room though, you saw your door to be slightly cracked open, which wasn't how you had left it before. Someone was there obviously, so you cautiously pushed the door open to see exactly who, and found Law sitting cross legged on your bed, holding one of your pillows. He looked up at you when he heard the door creak open, his gaze being warm and sympathetic.

"I broke my promise of leaving you alone. Sorry about that." He said, breaking the silence.

"Now that I'm up, I really don't mind too much since it's just you. I do have one question for you though." You responded, coming inside and shutting the door. "What's with all the notes?"

"To cheer you up of course. I know you're having a bad time right now, so I figured I'd try to help a bit. Speaking of which..." He mused, pausing for a moment.

The familiar blue tint of his devil fruit power filled your room, and soon you went from your door to his lap in mere seconds as he switched your place with the pillow he was previously holding. You gasped in surprise as his arms secured around you, his hands clutching your waist and shoulders respectively.

"You know you can come to me whenever you're not feeling well, right? You don't have to suffer alone with your emotions." He mumbled sweetly as he placed a kiss on your neck.

"I know... I just, I don't want to burden you or anyone else with my emotional issues." You mumbled apologetically, leaning into his touch.

"It hurts me to watch you fight your battles alone. Come to me _______, and remember that I love you no matter what." He reassured you.

Law then trailed his kisses up your neck, tilting your head back so he could then capture your lips with his. The pleasant feeling of his soft lips against yours brought you back down to earth, easing your worries as you leaned into him lovingly. Though it was brief, you felt completely uplifted and so much brighter, gazing up at him with a soft expression when he pulled back.

"I should listen to you more often. I feel a lot better than I was now." You sighed, shifting your weight to lean into him.

"Doctors are usually right." He chuckled. "Now how would you feel about coming outside? The island we've stopped at is rather pretty, and there's still a few more hours to go until the log pose sets. Care for a small adventure?" He then offered.

"Yes, I think I can do that now." You nodded. "Just let me change and I'll be good to go."

Happy that you were willing to go outside, Law let you get up and quickly dress yourself in something more appropriate for the outdoors. When you were ready, you both headed outside together, hand in hand as your bad mood eased out of existence. Normally you were the one to pull him from his slumps and crabby moods, but today it seemed that the rolls had switched. Honestly, you couldn't be more glad that they did. 

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