Soudam Once Again-Just Hanging

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Sorry for keeping y'all deprived of writing, here's some juice while I work on more chapters.
Kazuichi and Gundham had been dating for three months now, with each day being greater than the last for the both of them. Being with eachother was better than they'd ever imagine, and neither of them ever saw it going downhill from there.

Kazuichi found himself and Gundham watching some old romantic comedy from decades ago. With Kazuichi laying down, his head in Gundham's lap, and the other combing his fingers through Kaz's hair. Due to their widely varying schedules they barely had time to do things like this anymore, to just sit with each other in a comforting silence while the television spout out cheesy pick up line after cheesy pick up line. The last one the mechanic remembered was something about Angels.

Their eyes found their way together, pink mixing with mismatched grey. Without realizing it the pink haired guy had sat up and instead leaned onto Gundham's shoulder. It was nice.

"Hey Gundham?" Kazuichi muttered, staring blankly at the black and white movie in front of them.

"What is it, my dearest prince?" Gundham asked, wrapping his arm around Kazuichi's shoulders.

"Do you think we'll ever stay together? I mean, we are pretty diffe-" Before he could finish, a pair of lips met his, capturing Kazuichi in a kiss.

It lasted for a few moments before the immortal pulled away, lifting up the scarf around his neck to hide his growing blush.

"It does not matter if we are worlds apart. We will always remain together until the pits of pandemonium freeze over." Gundham said, glancing over at Kazuichi to see the growing smile on his face.

"I really hope ya mean that, Gundham!" Kazuichi tackled the other in a hug, laughing loudly. "Because ya know I'll keep it to ya."

Gundham chuckled, lightly kissing Kazuichi's face. "Do not worry, I fully intend to keep my word for as long as eternity will allow it."

Kazuichi was satisfied with thats answer, now going back to watching the movie, now with both of them lying on the couch together. Occasionally one of them would kiss the other's face.

Even though there were trials and countless problems along the way, Gundham did indeed keep his word.

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