Hot Blonde-Kazuichi and Byakuya

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Sorry if anything feels rushed in this, or if there's any spelling or grammatical errors, I wrote it at like 2am lol

In all honesty, Kazuichi could've had a better day.

It was bad enough that Sonia, once again, had rejected him. It was also bad she'd done it in front of Gundham, his love rival, but it was the cherry on top that she'd done it in front of the entire class, including some people from class 78. That was the recipe for a bowl of embarrassment if you'd ever seen one.

But that was fine, because he could feel himself getting close to the blonde babe. It would only take a few more weeks and she'd finally agree to a date, he just knew it.

But things never worked the way he'd hope.


It was lunchtime, most students' favorite time of the day. It became least favorable though, when a pink haired mechanic had received some news.

"You're leaving?!" Kazuichi basically shouted at the princess, who stepped back at his sudden raise in voice.

"My kingdom needs me, Souda," Sonia crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the mechanic "besides, it's only for a week, you'll have plenty of girls to drool over before I return."

"Well..alright, Miss Sonia" Kazuichi smiled a toothy grin, "Make sure to have a safe flight!"

"Of course, my pilot is always so careful with flying." The blonde smiled, seeming to recall fond memories. "Anyway, it's about time I start packing for my return home, farewell Souda, we will meet again when lunch has come to a close." and without hesitation she whipped around, managing to smack Kazuichi in the face with her hair as she gracefully walked away from the mechanic"

"Woah.." Kazuichi held a hand up to his face, "she touched me! She really touched me!" As he was having a little celebration, a very tall figure decided to butt in.

"Are you seriously celebrating over a simple touch? How idiotic could you possibly be?" A voice said from behind him, causing the pink haired shark to turn around.

"Hey! What's it to ya, you-" Kazuichi stopped mid-sentence when he noticed who he was talking to. The boy had blond hair, with blue eyes and glasses, and a suit that looked like it was worth a lot, it made him feel ridiculously underdressed with his neon green jumpsuit. The only thought in his brain was 'hot blond' over and over again. How had he not noticed him before?

The blond made a 'tsk' sound before speaking again "Have you lost your voice, commoner? You should be more respectful when in the presence of Byakuya Togami."

Kazuichi, after a few seconds, finally managed to regain his voice. "Of course..Of course I haven't lost my voice, Mr. Togami," he held a hand up towards his face, his eyes turning into ones of a lovesick puppy "I was just too busy admiring your beauty"

Byakuya seemed taken aback by the simp's (Kazuichi is the king of the simps)response, but quickly gained his composure. "Your compliments are worthless, peasant, just like your involvement in this conversation." He signaled for Kazuichi to shoo with his hand, but Kazuichi, being cursed with the idiot trait, didn't get the message.

" about you and me go out sometime Mr. Togami, you know, like...acquaintances do?" Kazuichi suggested, but Byakuya, being cursed with tsundere-itis, immediately declined and tried to walk away from the pink haired idiot, but only to be followed with him at his heels, making the rich boy roll his eyes.

"Come on," Kazuichi whined "will it kill you to just have one little date with me?"

"Yes" Byakuya said coldly, not even giving Kazuichi the satisfaction of turning around to look at his impish face.

"No it won't!"

Byakuya finally turned around, glaring at the mechanic. "Let me put this in a way even a simpleton like you would understand." He hissed, starting to take something out of his deep boy pockets. (Seriously those things could fit a medium sized country in there)

"You are here," Byakuya took out a piece of paper and pointed to the bottom of it "and I'm up here." He ripped the paper in half, letting the bottom float to the floor before tapping the top of the page. "If I am seen with such low life filth as yourself, my reputation as a Togami would be squandered, even talking to you at this very moment is risking it." He sighed, stuffing the half paper back in his pocket. "Did you get that, or must I repeat it for your small brain to understand?"

Kazuichi was starting to feel tears fall down his face. He quickly rubbed them away with the back of his hand before tugging his signature beanie over his eyes. "No, I understand Mr. Togami"

Byakuya sighed, before feeling a twinge of..something throughout his body. 'I probably just need to eat.' He thought but at that moment, Byakuya came to a realization that made his entire body shudder. The thing he was feeling...
Was sympathy.

He shook his head just thinking about it. He could not feel sympathy for such a lowlife as the boy in front of him, but when he looked at the crying idiot in front of him he got that feeling again. With a feeling he was going to regret this, he sighed and took out a piece of paper, quickly scribbling something on it and shoving it towards the guy.

Kazuichi raised his beanie up and looked at the paper. He hesitantly grabbed it and opened it up. " this?" He said as his eyes looked up at the rich boy.

"It's the place and time for our..meetup." Byakuya muttered, crossing his arms "don't you dare tell anyone about this or I'll have someone kill you in your sleep."

Kazuichi's eyes brightened as he reread the note and, with much enthusiasm, hugged the taller guy, before being pushed off.

"Thank you Mr. Togami!" The shark toothed mortal cheered. "We're gonna have so much fun, I promise!"

Before the conversation could continue, the bell, signifying the end of lunch, had rung.

"Whoops, sorry to keep you for lunch, I'll see you at 5!" Kazuichi started running to his class, waving bye to Byakuya before getting hunted down by an angry hall monitor.

Byakuya pushed up his glasses, trying to hide a small blush creeping onto his face while watching the pink one disappear. "I hope I won't regret this, you pink weirdo."

And that's all, I hope you guys liked this pair because I love them uwu.
Anyway, that's all for now!

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