Soudam-Changing your Appearance to Attract Emos

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So Soudam, a comfort ship of mine, I love this ship so much QwQ
Also the picture is Kazuichi's new look.

Kazuichi Souda, the ultimate mechanic as he was better known, was currently about to make a, rather stupid, decision with his best friend and love advisor, Sonia Nevermind.

After realizing that he was weirding out the Princess with his attraction towards her, they had finally talked through their issues and soon became good friends, but currently Souda was having a problem with another love interest. The self proclaimed Overlord of Ice, wielder of the four dark devas, the one and only Gundham Tanaka.

He was sitting opposite of his friend on his bed, holding two boxes in his hands as he stared down at his hands. "Uhm..Sonia, are you sure I don't need to do this?"

"Of course, Kazuichi," she patted his shoulder encouragingly, her perfect smile still plastered on her face. "But if you believe this is the best course of action, I shall encourage it!"

Souda nodded, looking back at the boxes. One was for bleaching his hair and the other was dyeing it. He's always had a thing with changing his appearance, so he naturally thought that if he changed his appearance for Gundham, he'd fall madly in love with him. It seemed to work well in middle school. Why wouldn't it work now?

"Well, let's get this started then!" Souda flashed a toothy grin at his former crush, though in the back of his mind he had doubts. Doubts if this will actually help or make things worse.

It was too late to think of that now, as Sonia had already left him to be. She had gone to get the outfit she'd pick out for him. He was anxious that the outfit might not work for Gundham and then he'd be even more distant.

Kazuichi smiled, shaking the idea out of his head, this was Sonia he was talking about, she knew everything Gundham-like. He couldn't have asked anyone better than her.

Kazuichi got off his bed, grabbing his dye gloves. "Here goes everything."


Kazuichi hadn't felt this many eyes on him since his middle school days. Of course, Kazuichi Souda, the ultimate pink haired guy, wouldn't have gotten so many stares since they were so used to his appearance, but he looked different now. He looked normal.

Well, as normal as anyone at Hope's Peak could be.

Kazuichi stuffed his new blonde hair back into his beanie. Sonia had picked the color since Gundham seemed to be fond of blondes, according to her.

Kazuichi smirked when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd, not the beautiful face of the Ultimate Breeder, but of his soul friend. None other than Hajime Hinata.

"Hey Hajime!" Kazuichi greeted, holding up a hand for a high five.

The orange juice obsessed boy took a minute to look at him, before finally speaking out. "Are you like..Gundham's brother or something?"

Souda started laughing at Hajime's statement. It was ridiculous of course. "N..No!" He finally managed to say, "It's..Kazuichi..Kazuichi Souda. The Ultimate Mechanic, remember? Your soul friend?"

Hajime just stared at him like he was an imposter. "Are..are you sure?"

Kazuichi nodded. "Yeah, pretty sure" he laughed an awkward laugh. Did he really look that different?

" did you get a scar over the weekend?"

The mechanic felt his eye, over it was a scar that Sonia claimed would give him 'an aura of mystery.' He wasn't sure if she wanted him to look appealing to Gundham or if she just wanted to play dress up.

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