An Epic Gamer Birthday (Souda x Chiaki)

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Authors Note: I wrote this at about 2am when I was half asleep so sorry if this isn't my best quality, but I hope you enjoy it :3

Kazuichi had fixed many things in his lifetime, hence his ultimate. Cars, bikes, anything you could think of, he probably gave it a tune up at some point. But now, he was face to face with his biggest challenge yet.

His girlfriend's birthday present.

March was right around the corner, and with that came Chiaki's birthday. As her boyfriend of six months he felt as if it was his duty to give her the most awesome gift he could think of.

There was only a single problem to that, his brain was completely empty of all thought. He called this feeling "The Wedge" since it created a huge wedge in his plans.

He ran a hand through his mess of pink hair and sighed as he trashed yet another idea of a birthday present. His face connected with the desk in front of him, eyes closed tightly as his brain finally gave up. The deadline was almost here and he had nothing to show for it.

It was hopeless. He'd show up to his girlfriend's dorm, he could already imagine her sleepy smile as she answered the door, and he would announce that he was empty handed. She'd slam the door in his face and leave him in the dust, and...and..

He needed some fresh air to clear his head. A trip to see the junkyard ought to be a good idea. There was nothing better than being in sight of old car parts.

He pulled in his jumpsuit over his shirt, stuffed his lucky screwdriver in one of the pockets, and headed out.

The luck of the screwdriver must have worked, because after a few minutes of walking he had finally found the perfect thing for Chiaki.

It was an old arcade machine, following a pixelated lemon collecting pellets and avoiding brightly colored ghosts. It was way out of shape, probably why it was dumped in the first place, but nothing a little tune-up couldn't fix.

It took him about an hour to lug the heavy machine back to his dorm, and he was lucky it hadn't crushed him in the process.

Now, it was time to get to work.


Today was finally the day, and just in time to, as the mechanic had finally completed his work. He was tired and grimy but it was perfect.

Throwing an old blanket over the top and adding a small bow. He wheeled the machine over to Chiaki's dorm with a dolley. Why hadn't he used it before he had no clue. It was much easier than dragging the thing that was for sure.

He knocked on the door three times, and after a few minutes Chiaki answered the door, squinting at the light that flooded into her pitch dark room.

"Hm? Hi Kazuichi? What are you..doing here?" She let him into her room, almost falling asleep mid sentence as she flicked the light switch on, illuminating the room.

"Well, hehe, since it's your birthday and all I..well I thought I'd get you something nice so," Nerves filled Kazuichi's system as he grabbed the end of the blanket. It was now or never. "" He ripped off the covers in one swoop and presented the machine, it looked almost brand new, like it came right out of the 1980's. As expected of work from the ultimate mechanic.

While Chiaki's expression stayed the same for a few moments, her eyes grew ever so wider as she stepped towards the machine, her vision going from Kazuichi to the arcade machine.

With swiftness he never knew she had, he was enveloped in a hug, almost making himself stumble a bit. " like it huh?"

No response.

"Eh? Chiaki?"

Kazuichi figured out what happened after a few small snores could be heard from the girl. He maneuvered them both to the couch, and soon the both of them were fast asleep, entangled on the couch.

It was only later that he realized her birthday was actually the next day.

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