Kuzusouda-Just your Average Thursday

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If you wanted a peaceful life, Hope's Peak was not the place to be. Monday was the Epic Gamer Battle between Chiaki and Chihiro. Tuesday was an insult war between a few students and Hiyoko, she won obviously. Wednesday was Ibuki's concert, which left most students half deaf. Now it was Thursday, and once again, disaster struck.

Fuyuhiko, but more commonly known as Baby Gangsta, was rather rudely woken by the pounding of the door and the familiar screaming of an idiotic mechanic. He muttered curses to himself as he threw off his blanket, going to see what all the yelling was about.

Now that he was paying attention, he could make out some of the conversation.

"Give me back my jumpsuits before I deep fry your tiny face!" Screamed the familiar voice of Kazuichi.

"Well, maybe if you'd beg on your knees I'd be happy to oblige" Said the pervloaf that was Teruteru. Fuyuhiko rolled his big eyes, of course that bastard would be behind this.

Suddenly Fuyuhiko swung open the door, surprised to see that no one else was awoken by the ruckus the two were causing. "Would you stop screaming?! You sound like..." he trailed off as his eyes finally landed on Kazuichi..in a skirt. "What the.."

It was just a standard skirt, a little on the short side but other than that it was pretty normal.

Fuyuhiko wouldn't admit it out loud but Kazuichi looked nice in the skirt, he could feel his own freckled fact heat up, but quickly hid it with his arm.

Kazuichi basically froze mid pound on the door of Teruteru's dorm before his face reddened. He tried to salvage the last of his dignity as he quickly turned around to face Fuyuhiko. "Hey..you.." he chuckled nervously, clasping a hand behind his neck.

"..You have three seconds to explain before I beat you to a pulp for waking me up." Fuyuhiko crossed his arms, awaiting an explanation.

Kazuichi looked down, like he finally realized the rather feminine article of clothing he was wearing. "Well..I was just showering, you know, normal stuff, when that guy," he dramatically pointed at Teruteru's dorm. "Somehow snuck into my room and stole all my jumpsuits, and I wasn't about to go around campus wearin' nothin."

"Although that was the intended plan, it would've been nice to see-"

"Can you stop talking, for like, ever Teruteru!" Kazuichi yelled once again.

"Are you trying to wake up the entire school?" Fuyuhiko hissed. "You're lucky no one has come outside to see why the hell you're screaming at," he looked at the clock "5am! Oh I'm so going to kill you bastard."

"...I didn't even think of that.." Kazuichi whispered, making the Yakuza facepalm.

"Look," Fuyuhiko sighed "I'm not even going to ask why you were showerin this early in the mornin, just come with me." He grabbed the mechanic's arm and dragged him into his dorm.

"What are you-"

"I'll get Peko to punt that bastard later." Fuyuhiko mumbled, basically shoving Kazuichi onto his couch. "You're obviously too idiotic to stay on your own, so you're staying here."

Kazuichi looked at Fuyuhiko, before looking at the ground. The blonde almost swore he saw a blush on Kazuichi's face, but dismissed it as he sat on the couch.

"You're sleeping on the couch, by the way." Fuyuhiko smirked.

"What! Whyyy?" Kazuichi whined, crossing his arms like a little kid would.

"Because one, you woke me up with all your screaming, and two, because it's my room."

"Well," Kazuichi started, standing up "I have a better idea!" He picked up Fuyuhiko, making the smaller guy squeak.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're-" Before the Yakuza could finish he was thrown onto his bed, Kazuichi following beside him.

"Why don't we just sleep here together? Bro's do that all the time!" Kazuichi smiles a sharp toothed grin before laying on a pillow. "Night!"

"..whatever.." Fuyuhiko muttered, hiding his blushing face with his pillow.

It was a few minutes of silence before Fuyuhiko felt an arm wrap around his body, making his head jump up. What he saw was a sleeping Kazuichi basically cuddling up to him.

Fuyuhiko grinned, patting Kazuichi's head like you would a cat. "I'll have to thank Teruteru..after Peko deals with him" With a silent laugh he buried his head in Kazuichi's chest, drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Kazuichi Ship Oneshots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz