Soudam-Just some nice ✨hurt/comfort✨

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Kazuichi never knew how hard having a love rival would be when he was dating the rival in question.

The pink haired guy was eating breakfast, still questioning if this was how all school trips started, with lowkey kidnapping, when he sat next to him.

The overlord of ice, and of being edgy, Gundham Tanaka. Otherwise known as his super secret boyfriend. Emphasis on secret.

Kazuichi grabbed Gundham's hand under the table before looking at him in feign disgust. "What are doing here, edgelord?"

He gave Gundham's hand a squeeze as he glanced around at everyone else. Most of them had annoyed looks on their faces, while Sonia had a small smile across her face, like she wanted them to fight over her, but it was gone in almost an instant.

Gundham scowled at him, it felt so real it almost made Kazuichi cry, almost. "Well, mortal, I believe I am able to sit wherever I please."

The two started to bicker, which led to the dismay of everyone within earshot.

"Hey!" Hiyoko's high pitched voice shouted at them. "If you two don't stop bickering like an old married couple I'm gonna bop you both on the head!" She crossed her arms, glaring at them with the most intense look a five year old high schooler could give.

"Fine!" Kazuichi stood up, "it's not like I wanted to be by this jerk any long...why are you all looking at me like that." He looked around at everyone, their wide eyes basically burning holes into him.

"Uhm..mortal" Gundham coughed awkwardly, glancing down at their hands. "You forgot to..let go."

Kazuichi, with a face as pale as a ghost, slowly looked down and realized he was still grabbing Gundham's hand. He quickly let go and looked around, hoping no one saw that, but of course they did.

"Uh..I can explain guys..we..we were just..uh," Kazuichi's brain turned to find any ideas of what to say to make this look better, but Teruteru had to ruin it by opening his dumb mouth.

"Oh my oh my, what do we have here," Teruteru stood on his seat so he could see better over the table. "Looks like Kazuichi and Gundham are having a affair" he raised his eyebrows at them. "Tell me, which one of you is the-"

"Shut it Teruteru!" Kazuichi covered his ears. "Me and Gundham are not having a 'love affair' so just shut it!" With that, he ran out of the dining hall, tears falling out of his face.


Kazuichi hadn't been out of his cabin in days, occasionally coming out to eat late at night, but that was about it. He couldn't bear to face anyone after the incident that happened.

He groaned out of frustration before burying his head into a pillow, trying to get that memory out of his head.

A knock on the door made Kazuichi's head raise for the first time that day. "Go away.." he mumbled, throwing the nearest thing, a wrench, at the door.

"Kazuichi, may I enter?" Gundham's voice answered through the door.

Kazuichi slowly got up, shuffling to the door and opening it a crack. "What do you want?"

"My dark prince, I have not seen you in days, I am deeply worried for you." Gundham looked down at the face on the other side of the door.

Kazuichi felt his heart sink in his chest. Gundham's eyes looked tired and his posture was slouched. He felt horrible for making his Gundham worry, so without a second thought and a quick glance around he opened the door enough for Gundham to squeeze through. "Come on in."

Gundham walked in and looked around in concern and slight disgust. Well, it's not like he could blame him, everything was thrown around and left to rot. Clothes were scattered around, with different mechanical parts mixed in and a few tools thrown on his bed. Blueprints were crumpled and ripped all over the place and paper plates were around as far as the eye could see.

"Uh..make yourself at home, I guess." Kazuichi brushed off a spot on the bed for Gundham to sit.

Gundham sat down, pulling the pink haired mortal down beside him. "Mortal," he put a hand on Kazuichi's shoulder, pausing for a moment before continuing "you know we are all concerned for your health.."

"You know that's not true." Kazuichi shrugged off Gundham's hand, bringing his knees to his chin. "None of them even like me, much less care about my health.." he mumbled.

"Kazuichi," Gundham grabbed the shark toothed mortal's face, turning his head to look at him. "I care about you, every part of you, you know that right?"

Kazuichi nodded "I..I know but..but what if the others.."

"The others haven't driven me off yet, why would they do anything different to you?" Gundham rubbed his thumb over Kazuichi's cheek.

"Well..well they seem like they don't like me and-"

"Nonsense, my dark prince, there is nothing that unfavorable about you, no one could be able to gaze upon you in disgust."

Kazuichi smiled for the first time in days, "thanks, edgelord."

Gundham kissed Kazuichi's cheek, "Anytime, my dark prince. Now, get dressed in your finest, feasting starts in 15 minutes." He stood up, patting Kazuichi's head. "I expect to see you there."

Kazuichi nodded, "I'll be there...could I have one more kiss?"

Gundham obliged, cupping the mortal's face with his hand and kissing him softly, pulling away after a few seconds. "You'll get more after dinner." He winked, before walking out of the door.

Kazuichi smiled watching Gundham walk out of his cabin. "That's my Gundy."

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