The Centi-monster

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This was school work, and we were given an Image that we had to base it off of so here you go.

Gabriel was walking along the path going to see his friend Nathalie how was an Archer, before he heard the sound of rocks scraping. He turned slowly to see Feast standing there the centi-monster created by the Peacock jewel that could create monsters controlled by the owner of the jewel. Very phew that's face fest live to tell the tale. The monster stood up from its hunting pose and started to chase Gabriel.

Gabriel panicked and ran into the Forest hoping it would fit but Feast just destroyed anything in its path. He continued to run the Direction of the village Nathalie lived in hoping he would either lose it by then or one of the archers would take care of it. The centi-monster was close behind him snapping his jaws to try and catch him. Little did he know the jewels in his bag were a beacon for Fest because he was created to destroy all magical jewels except the peacock one. He keep running before he tripped. He turned around to see Fest over him. This is it he thought closing his eyes.

"Raaaar!" Fest exclaimed in pain as he was shot in the eye by an arrow.  Gabriel opened his eyes. "Come get me!" A female voice yelled dragging Gabriel's attention behind him the girl was on horse back and the girl was. "Nathalie!" He yelled excitedly. Fest chased Nathalie but Nathalie wasn't alone. "Now!" She yelled as she pulled her horse from Gallop to halt. Arrows where being fired at Feast in every direction before a net dropped. Nathalie had gone back around and grab Gabriel pulling him up on her horse. Before galloping back to the village and dismounting her horse and helping Gabriel down. "You ok?"  "I-I think I am." "Ok. Well what's in the bag."  "Oh umm that's what I wanted to show" He Said taking the jewels out his bag and handing them to her.  "T-that's the peacock jewel."  "Really?" "Yeah." Nathalie hopped back on her horse and put her hand out to help Gabriel get on.  "What are we doing?" Gabriel asked confused. "You'll see." They galloped back over to were they were still shooting at Feast. Nathalie held the jewel. "STOP!" She yelled, Feast stopped. "Down." She commanded, feast laid. "Told you it was the peacock jewel." She said looking back at Gabriel.


There it is and good day.

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