Nathalie and Gabrile wait Nathalie I said Gabriel

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Before the peacock miraculous was fixed:

Gabriel had akumatized some one and Nathalie joined him as mayura they were hiding since mayura had taken a dizzy spell and wasn't feeling very well anymore. Hawkmoth healed her close to his chest realising she had a fever before both of there vision became white and they.....





Switched bodys! "Hawkmoth!" Hawkmoth was in Mayura's body and was in agony and Mayura was in Hawkmoth's body and was worried about Hawkmoth.

(Female pronouns are for Gabriel and hawkmoth's body and male pronouns are for mayura and Nathalie's body)

She picked him up and hoped away with him. Gabriel was in agony he wondered how she stayed so calm and collected. He held on to her jacket. "You ok?" Gabriel/ mayura shook his head. Hawkmoth/ Nathalie landed in the lair with Mayuar in her arms. They both de-transformed. Gabriel felt awful he never thought it was this bad it felt like a millions of needles pricking you everywhere, he wanted to cry. Nathalie took him back to the office and lay him down on the sofa in there. Gabriel groaned in pain, before he started to cough. Nathalie sat him up and pated his back, Gabriel started crying it hurt so much. "Shhh it's ok you'll be fine." Once the coughing fit stopped he held onto Nathalie not wanting her to leave
Nathalie picked him up and took him to his room and but him on his bed.


My lazy ass is going to ask if one of yous want to use this and make it in full? Please

Gabenath one shot/ miraculous Where stories live. Discover now