Coughing up B-blood

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(This is before season 4 so this would be season 3 in an alternate universe ok..........ok)

Gabriel was planning one of his big plans but it involved mayura but Nathalie constantly said she'll be ok but Gabriel was doubting it since if everything went right it could last a couple hours. "Nathalie you sure your up for it?" "Yes, I'm sure sir." "Ok, shall we then." "Of course sir." The two went into the lair before transforming. "You sure you want to go through with this." "Yea I'm sure." Hawkmoth nodded at her before jumping out of the window, quickly followed by mayura. They landed on a roof top, mayura landed with a stumble nearly throwing herself off the building but hawkmoth caught her. He kept her in his arms softly looking at her before pulling her up. "You ok?" "Yeh." The two looked out to see if the heroes where on patrol but they weren't so Hawkmoth decided to start by releasing a akuma and mayura released a amuck. The akuma went for Mayura and the amuck in her fan. Like most the time they went to Adrian's high school.(I forgot the name) The person getting akumatized was Kim turning him into dark Cupid the plan was to try and get ladybug and cat Noir to fight each other but there was more to the plan. (And you'll have to wait to see) The amuck gave him a sentry monster called Cœur (heart in french) it was heart shaped. Hawkmoth and mayura waited for ladybug and chat noir to show before wait for the right moment to start the next faze. Mayura started coughing and fell onto her knees, Hawkmoth quickly knelt down next to her and pulled her close to his chest. After a bit she stop coughing but stayed in his arms trying to get herself together. "We can stop, you don't have to do this." "No I'm fine, I want to do this." "Ok but please mayura tell me if you need to stop ok." Mayura nodded and stood up shakily, Hawkmoth keep his arms around her looking to see where the heroes where. "When shall we remove them and go fight them ?" "Soon mayura soon." Thank god mayura thought to herself since she was starting to weak and tired.

Not long after when Cupid was in the sky still and ladybug had just kissed chat Noir again they both withdrew the akuma and amuck, meaning Kim was now falling from the sky giving mayura and Hawkmoth time to akumatiz Hawkmoth and create his butterfly centay monster. "You ready mayura?" "Of course." Hawkmoth lead and mayura followed, they decided it was best if Hawkmoth was the on to be akumatized in case mayura need to de-transform. (By the why the amuck would stay even though it's in her fan ok) "Hello instal children." "Hawkmoth!" Ladybug yelled. Mayura watched from behind him as he had told her to. "Some ones out of hiding." Chat Noir touted. "Chat noir you get mayura ok." "Of course Milady." Hawkmoth wasn't wanting her to fight so wasn't going to let chat noir nor ladybug get to her easily. So they began to fight and Hawkmoth commanded the butterfly centy monster to keep both of them off of Mayura if one of them got to her.

When they where fighting mayura went and hide in the sewers and de-transformed. "Miss you don't look good." Duusu spoke see a very pale Nathalie, Nathalie then sat down resting her back on the sewer wall and Duusu hovered around her worried. Nathalie started coughing but there was. "B-blood." Nathalie said looking at her hand that she coughed into, Duusu started panicking. "Miss shall I go get Hawkmoth?" "No d-don't." Nathalie started coughing up more blood, Duusu hugged her arm that was on the floor and not in front of her mouth catching the blood. She stopped coughing and lead back Duusu went onto her chest trying to comfort her. "Miss I don't think you should transform again." "I'll be fine Duusu." But miss just look at your hand." Nathalie looked at her blood covered hand. "Duusu I'll be fine ok." "Please be careful miss." "I will." Nathalie transformed into mayura again and went back over to where they where still fighting. Ladybug managed to distract Hawkmoth so chat noir went for mayura, he was hit back by the centy monster that was ordered to protect her no matter what. Chat noir was being chased by the butterfly. (I'm just going to call it butterfly ok) Mayura fell backwards having a dizzy spell and started coughing into her sleeve hiding the blood. Hawkmoth looked back before nearly getting hit by ladybug and had barely dodged it. "Missed me again little girl." Chat noir was looking for away back so he could cataclysmic her. Mayura was trying to stand up holding onto the reeling at the edge of the Eiffel Tower, she leaned against it felling to weak to stand on her own and was more worried about if she coughed up any more blood and how she would hide it. Mayura griped the railing tighter trying to keep herself together and not de-transform.

Gabenath one shot/ miraculous حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن