Who Is She?

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Year: 875; Present Time.

Month: July 26th.

Time: 0200

5 years after the incident &

4 hours after the rescue.

Blue Crow's P.O.V.

The waves crashed against the sides of the skiff; the salty sea splashed the faces of those aboard. Blue Crow's hands burned as he pulled the rope. The skin on his palms were rubbed raw, and the wounds stung with the salty water. The illuminance of the moon was the only light to guide him across the pitch-black sea. The faces of the people aboard watched in awe as the burning ship behind them slowly fell out of the distance. They clung to each other and tried to share each other's warmth. Blue Crow's tail was covered in splinters when it hit the wooden skiff; his muscles flexed as he pulled the skiff. His brows furrowed, and his teeth were grinding together. He pulled the skiff faster and faster; as he tried to get to shore as quick as possible.

The muffled sound of grunts came from below the water, "Come on! Push! Swim faster! You need to get them to safety!" He thought to himself, the muscles in his tail straining as he pushed against the current. Exhaustion slowly took over his body as the adrenaline started to wear off.

The land was just in sight, only a couple of meters away. In the distance, the survivors could see the torches along the shoreline. As Blue Crow drew closer to shore, his arms and tail slowly started to give out; the adrenaline fueling him was gone. Before they knew it, the boat was at the shoreline. The merman's body went limp, and his face turned to the side to avoid breathing in water. Three people grabbed the skiff and started to pull it onto land. Someone hoisted Blue Crow out of the water and helped bring him to the ground. Slowly his tail began to morph back into his legs again. Wounds were littered across his skin, and patches of scales were missing. A woman retrieved his dagger and mask from the skiff and helped him lean upright against a rock. Blue Crow was dozing in and out of consciousness as he sustained multiple wounds during the fight. The side of his torso was turning an ugly greenish-purple. His breath was labored, and blood dripped down the sides of his face. She lightly tapped his face with her hand, attempting to wake him up. The woman reached into a bag and pulled out a clean rag, and she used it to clean the blood off of Blue Crow's face as best she could. The woman was dressed in a maroon and black shirt with maroon pants to match. She wielded a bow and arrows; the quiver was tied at her waist. Carved on the belly of the bow was the Leo symbol. A scar ran across the left side of her face. Her dark skin was stained with Blue Crow's blood, and pieces of her short afro stuck to her forehead with sweat. Slowly Blue Crow opened his eyes. His vision was blurry as he tried to focus on the woman in front of him.

"Crow... Crow! Can you hear me? Are you all alright?" The woman asked, kneeling beside Blue Crow, moving his hair out of his face.

"Saber... is that you...." Blue Crow asked as he slowly started to sit up more.

"Yes, it's me. Are you alright, and are there any casualties?" Saber asked again, laying her bow on the ground and tying strips of cloth over his wounds.

"There... A few people have minor injuries... one person; her name is Ember. She had sustained pretty bad injuries...." Blue Crow relays to Saber, "I would have V-Vermillion check her out... she's...." Before Blue Crow could finish his sentence, spots appeared in his vision, and he slumped over on his side.

"Shit!." Saber replied. She then turned her head to face a large midnight panther "Tempest! Shift back and help me move, Crow! Now! Quickly!"

The panther shifted back into a human; a skin-tight black suit covered most of his body. The fabric was meticulously wrapped around him. His hair was white, with the front pieces of stark black. Fuzzy dark ears laid on top of his head, turning to the sides with each passing sound. An eyepatch covered his left eye, and old scars littered his face. Quickly, he went over to where Saber and Blue Crow were, kneeling on the other side of him.

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