Now there were 3.

17 0 0

Year: 868; Past Time.

Month: December 18th.

Time: 0100.

2 years prior to the incident.

Eclipse's P.O.V.

Hundreds of flurries quietly fell across the river, with a soft blue hue illuminated off of the snow-covered ground. Tree branches rattled against the wind sending tiny icicles to fall. Eclipse stretched his wings out, letting the cool air rush against them. The appendages stiffened with the snow and seemed to glow brighter than before. The fairy had been waiting a little while for Blue Crow to show. Eclipse stuck out his tongue for the flurries to call on it. Time slowly ticked by, and there was still no sign of the merman. It was around 0145 when Eclipse heard the distinct splash of a tail in the river. Eclipse's face up turned into a smile at the initial sight of Blue Crow, but quickly turned to a frown. The young teen was covered in welts; his back was the most afflicted. His right eye was bruised, and his lip was split down the middle. Blue Crow pulled himself out of the chilly water and laid in the snow. Some of the cuts had reopened while swimming, letting the pure white snow stain red. Blue Crow's tail morphed into a pair of legs, with the blue scales forming a pant. Eclipse rushed over to his side, helping him sit up.

"Crow?! What happened to you?" Eclipse's voice raised in worry, hoping to get an explanation of what had happened.

Blue Crow winced as Eclipse helped him sit up. The merman falsely reassured Eclipse and rubbed the back of his head, "I'm ok! Just roughed up from training."

Eclipse rose an eyebrow, not really believing what Blue Crow said, "Alright... but Crow, if you need anything. I'm here for you." Eclipse replied, moving to the back of the merman.

The fairy formed a thin coat of frost against Blue Crow's back, covering as many welts as he could. His bottom lip pursed as he thought, "He's not telling me the truth here... what happened to him."

Blue Crow waited for Eclipse to finish icing his back; he twiddled his thumbs together while each welt was covered. Once Eclipse withdrew his hand, he scooched himself next to the merman; he was still clad in his nightwear. He leaned his head on Blue Crow's shoulder and sighed deeply, icy air filling his lungs.

"Crow... listen... I know you're not telling me the whole truth here, but If you need me to get you anything from the castle. Let me know, okay?" Eclipse said, taking Blue Crow's hand into his, "I don't like seeing you hurt."

"I know. Thank you..." Blue Crow replied, staring at the tops of his feet.

They sat there for a moment peacefully. Snow continued to fall around them, with little snowflakes getting caught in their hair. Eclipse's wings fanned out behind the both of them. Blue Crow sighed and leaned the side of his head atop Eclipse's. Both of them enjoying each other's company.

"How is the visiting princess?" Blue Crow asked Eclipse.

"How do you know about that?" Eclipse questioned, "And she's well, taking to the castle fine."

"I overheard some of the guards talking to each other... they've been patrolling the gates more often," Blue Crow replied, "Still very easy to slip past them."

"The guards are supposed to not talk about it," Eclipse stated, "The princess is nice; I haven't had much of a chance to talk to her yet... hopefully, I can soon."

Blue Crow nodded and wrapped his arm around Eclipse, bringing him closer. As Blue Crow leaned to give a small peck to Eclispe's cheek, they were quickly interrupted.

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