The Phoenix

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Year: 875; Present Time.

Month: July 27th.

Time: 0730.

5 years after the incident &

2 days after the rescue

Caspian's P.O.V.

Willow and Caspian stared at each other as the fire crackled in the background. The sun had already risen, and the light was pouring through the glass window; a small rainbow graced the side of the room. After a few minutes of silence, Caspian broke the air with two questions, "Willow... I know now is not ideal for stressful questions, but... I have to ask. First, how did you escape? Second, do you know Vermillion? Because she knows you."

Willow started to preen her feathers with her fingers, unable to make eye contact with Caspian, then began to speak, "Truthfully, it all happened so fast. The vial you gave me during the suitor ball ended up saving my life... As well as Eclipse." She hesitated; her breath stopped for a moment before she continued, "Cerberus... they are building unstoppable military, and they already have hundreds of followers. They are after something valuable, something that would turn the tides in their favor if they found it. Cerberus also propositioned me to join them. They promised me I would be a part of their 'new empire.' Cerberus held me captive; the only way I'd gain freedom was if I joined them. They wanted me to help fight for them. When I disagreed... they threatened Eclipse's life...." Willow's voice started to waver, "Eclipse helped me escape from their base. He caused a distraction while I was being transferred to a different cell... I made it to the ship you found me on... He caused so much chaos. I don't know how Cerberus didn't find me, but I can still hear Eclipse's screams from when they got him...." Willow's throat choked on her words, "It killed me not to go back for him... I'm so sorry, Caspian. I am so so sorry...."

Caspian moved to Willow and encased her into a hug; he held her tight as she cried and wailed, "It's okay, It's not your fault, It's okay. I don't blame you for anything. We'll get him back... we will. Please don't cry." The merman's eyes became wet as droplets ran down his cheeks, "It's not your fault... you're not the one to blame; Cerberus is."

Willow's cries were reduced to sniffles as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. Caspian detached himself from her and handed Willow a handkerchief. The merman then sat beside her, picking at the bandages that were wrapped around his skin. Once Willow's breath evened out, she spoke again.

"Cerberus... they also said you were the key to their plan. You and whatever they are after. Do you know what it is?" She questioned as she reached for a piece of cloth to blow her nose.

"I don't know, Willow. Cerberus could be after my power? But... hmm...." Caspian said as he rubbed his chin in thought, "I'll have to do some intel. We'll get to the bottom of this."

Willow nodded as the muscles in her body finally relaxed, "As for Ms. Vermillion, I vaguely recognize her, but I cannot quite put my finger on it to where I would know her from." She puzzled, "I've only seen her briefly; I don't recall speaking to her." She thought out loud.

"You two will have to speak soon. Is there anything else you might recognize from her? Anything at all?"

They both sat silently after he spoke; the firewood breaking occasionally broke the silence. The pause was short-lived, however, when Willow softly said.

"Her eyes... her eyes are the same shade of red as mine." The phoenix stated and turned to look at Caspian, "Other than that; I don't recognize anything else."

"Are her eyes important?" Caspian asked her, confused.

"Well... possibly. Red eyes are prominent in my family's lineage. It stems from the fire abilities we have. " The phoenix went quiet after she spoke, "Do you know what Miss Vermillino's power is?"

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