Fallen Stars

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Year: 875; Present Time.

Month: July 27th.

Time: 0500

5 years after the incident &

2 days after the rescue

Blue Crow's P.O.V.

Blue Crow slowly awoke to the sound of crickets chirping in the night. The cool dewy grass left a chill down his spine as he lay there. The air was crisp and slightly nipped at his nose. A steady river streamed next to him, making the area wet with mud. The only light was the full moon and a fragile aqua glow in the distance. One that was closest to the mouth of the river... right where a cave resided. The merman rapidly stood up and took more of his surroundings in. He was in the exact meeting place he and Eclipse went to almost every night. He walked towards the tree they once carved their very initials on... but couldn't distinguish what it read.

"What the hell is going on?" Blue Crow thought as he stepped away from the tree, then started to walk towards the light.

The path seemed endless... with each step he took, the further the light seemed to go. Mud and grass caked his feet. Bugs and creatures whipped past him as he started walking faster and faster. Until all of a sudden, he reached the mouth of the cave. Water droplets falling to the ground echoed outside of the cave. The ball of light sat in the middle of the cave and was easily seen from the outside. Blue Crow stopped in his tracks, hesitant to step inside.

"Hello...? Who's there?" He called out from the entrance of the cave.

The ball of light uncurled themself, revealing a beaten and bruised Eclipse. Rusted chains weighed down on his wrists and ankles. His bright wings were torn entirely off; only a fraction at the base remained. His face was dripping with blood, leaving a small pool of it by his feet. The fairy's breathing was sluggish; one might think he was a walking corpse.

Blue Crow was frozen in place... unable to move.... unable to speak. As he was forced to watch Eclipse like this. The beaten fairy slowly moved forward. A single sentence accompanied each step he took. The chains attached to him rattled and dragged behind him.






"Why didn't you save me?"

Eclipse was an arm's length away, and the pungent smell of blood invaded the air around him.


"Why did you let them take me, Crow...?"

Eclipse's hands reached for Blue Crow's face, cupping them gently, leaving bloody handprints behind.

"I thought you loved me?"

The grip grew tighter...

"Crow, wake up!"

— And tighter.

"Crow, wake up... wake up...!"

— And tighter.


—"Please!! Wake the hell up!!"

Saber screamed at Blue Crow, holding the sides of his face in an attempt to wake him. His eyes shot open, and his breath was labored. The merman's body was covered in a sheen of sweat, and his hair was stuck to his forehead. Saber moved her hands to his shoulders and gently squeezed them; slowly his breathing evened out. Hands timidly shook while clutching the blanket that covered him. Saber lit the candle within the chamberstick, giving the room a faint orange glow. Her skin was still caked with dried blood, as well as her shirt. Blinking his eyes to adjust to the dark, he noticed he was in a small room inside the infirmary, with a chair placed at his bedside. No doubt Saber was keeping vigil next to him. She was still clothed in her uniform from the night before. Saber handed him an uncorked glass bottle to drink. As Blue Crow gulped down the water, she walked around the room, lighting the candles that were hung against the wall. Her bow and arrows were propped up against the wall near him. There was a distinct smell of alcohol around the room. Caspian put the glass on his nightstand and looked at the woman's amber eyes.

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