A Meeting Under A Starry Night

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Year: 867; Past Time.

Month: March 15th.

Time: 0300.

3 years prior to the incident.

Eclipse's P.O.V.

The moon was at its peak, high and bright; it illuminated a path for him to see. The sound of crickets and the light of fireflies filled the sky above. Leaves crunched beneath his feet as he ran to the familiar cave; a leather pouch clutched to his chest. The cave's mouth was armored by thick vines and thorn bushes. A large river ran alongside the path he took; that guided the boy to the cave. On his back, a pair of bright turquoise wings glowed under the light of the moon. Fireflies traveled along with him, attracted by the light of his wings. Mice and rabbits scurried around the fairy's feet. Bats flew above his head and were chasing the fireflies that trailed behind him. Crabs traced along the edge of the river. The crustaceans dipped in and out of the cool water. Tiny pixies fluttered around his head, and occasionally pulled on the fairy's hair. A small chuckle erupted from the fairy as he waved his hand, in an attempt to shoo them away. The pixies sparkled against the light of the moon. The fairy looked up to see hundreds of pixies that were flying above. Some of them had blended within the stars. Once he got to the mouth of the entrance, there was something or rather someone that was splashing around in the river.

"You almost beat me here, Eclipse... but you still weren't fast enough," The creature said with a laugh, "... I also see you brought the forest with you." He tilted his head to the side and examined the fairy in front of him. Then he attempted to swat away the pixies that flew around him.

The creature had the upper body of a teenage boy; in place of legs, he had a navy-blue tail. Scars adorned the chest and back of the creature. Some faded and others red and fresh. Eclipse just smiled at the merman that was talking to him. He walked over to the edge of the river and sat down on the nearest rock. He took off his brown leather boots, rolled up his pants, then dangled his legs in the water that glistened below. The merman pulled himself out to sit next to Eclipse and plucked out the pixies that were caught in Eclipse's hair. The strong navy tail dangled in the water below.

"How are you doing, Crow?" Eclipse asked as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

Blue Crow laid down on the icy grass below him, his fins swished through the river's small current, and started to pet the small mice that scurried around him, "Oh, you know the usual—waking up at three in the morning to meet your best friend under the nose of every guard and superior. In an attempt to make his birthday better than a pompous ball that's being thrown for him. One that only royalty can attend." Blue Crow spoke sarcastically.

Eclipse started to laugh at the words Blue Crow spoke. He set down the leather pouch he was carrying and laid down on the grass next to him, "Don't forget it's your birthday too. One year apart on the same day, we were born on March 15th!" Eclipse proclaimed, "You're going to be 15 this year, right?"

The merman just nodded and sighed deeply; he breathed in the crisp air around them. Soft chirps from the crickets broke the silence; both boys turned to face the stars above. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight; the moon was full and shone brightly on the both of them. Eclipse's wings glowed against the moon and illuminated a blue hue on the grass around him.

Eclipse turned his head to look at Blue Crow, who was lost in the stars, "Crow, don't you think us having to hide our names is stupid. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" He questioned, "Are you really going to abide by the rule of not telling me your name?"

Blue Crow turned to face him – threaded his fingers in the cool grass, "You know why Clip... As your protector, it's my sole duty to keep you safe. Say I get taken; if I don't know your identity, then they can't find you. Ignorance is bliss, one might say... The code name protects your real identity. All they would know is the name Eclipse. It's useless to them. You could go out into the town and use your real identity; no one would know you're the prince; because all the townspeople know the prince by the name Eclipse." Blue Crow sighed before he continued, "No one knows what you look like just yet. All they have is that one name. It's to protect you until you can protect yourself. Once you come of age and people know what you look like... then you have the choice of dropping the code name. Until then, you can't. Your wings can heal anything, even bring someone back on the brink of death. Only five people know about that: me, your late mother, your father, Murdoc, and the palace doctor. The only reason I know is because you trusted me enough to tell me... and I will never tell anyone. The others were sworn to secrecy. This is one of the only big things I know about you. No one can know how special you are. So, this is why we must keep our identities a secret. The less I know about you, the better."

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