| Of Abandoned(?) Warehouses |

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3rd person pov:

-in a not-so-abandoned warehouse-

Sounds of machinery could be heard from within the large building, while the usual New York City traffic obscured it from the oblivious passersby.

If one got close enough however, they may hear whirring machines and clanking belts. They may even see a pulsing blue light coming from in between the cracks of the worn down walls.

If one got even closer, or possibly inside, they would see where the source of the noise, and the light, was coming from.

Inside the warehouse there were, in fact, machines and pulsing blue lights, but there was something else.

Something almost...



Matt stood on the ledge of the building. It was tall, though not as tall as the skyscrapers that disappear into the skyline just a town over.

He listened. Car horns, late night bar hopping, fights, drug deals, petty crimes. The air smelled or sweat, car exhaust and moldy crevices. It smelled like his city. It smelled like home.

Something caught his attention though, just on the edge of his stretched out senses.

Clank clank clank

Machines. Active machines.

They were coming from the warehouse district. It was strange, he didn't spot any recent activity there for some time now, the last time there was anything of note there was when he ran into some of the Hand. But they're all gone now, or so he thought.

Daredevil jumped from rooftop to rooftop, nothing but a blur of red in the never sleeping Hell's Kitchen. If anyone asked, they would just chuckle and say "yeah, that's the Devil of Hell's kitchen for ya." Though if you happened upon the more corrupted parts of town (which admittedly isn't very hard to do) they might scowl and leave, of if you're lucky they'll tell you about his merciless methods of dealing with the crime there.

As he approached the sounds of the machinery got louder and louder, but there weren't any notable sounds or smells that his senses could pick up, nothing that would point to the usual suspects. There was no burn of chemicals, no sweetness of many lowly steer criminals resort to.

There was however, the unmistakable smell of flesh.

It wasn't the typical smell though, but as he got closer he could smell lingering sweat and various other body odors that people produce. It was old, stale, and it all smelled like...


This combined with the lack of any signs of life definitely ticked off Matt's "something is very wrong" sense, a.k.a. the sense Foggy claims he doesn't have.

What Foggy doesn't know however, is that he does in fact have it, it's just the "run away" part that he never listens to.

He jumps on the roof.

Words: 458

Filler chapter lol, but don't worry, I actually have some idea of what I'm going to be doing in the next chapter at least (which is more than I usually have).

Until the next burst of motivation (and free time)~ Stay safe, stay healthy, and (hopefully 🤞🏽) stay happy my lovely lovely readers.

~Sage 🌱

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