| Of Not So Abandoned Warehouses, and More? |

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Author's note: I realize I kinda skipped from the court room setting to, well, not the court room and so just imagine this and the last chapter as an interlude of what happened the night before ':)

3rd pov:

Matt landed on the roof with a practices, near silent, thud.

The gracefulness of the devil.

It's time to enter purgatory.

Matt's pov:





Machines. It's like a factory. A new player must be in town, one I haven't heard of.

There's only one though that comes to my mind, one I haven't been able to dislodge yet.

It's like the Hand. But it can't be, I can't sense anyone, I can't even sense any signs that would lead to them being there. Ever.

I walk to the side, searching for one of the fimiliar openings that all of the warehouses share. Most of the windows have been destroyed for a long time now, and this beat down abode wasn't an exception.

With practiced ease and stealth I swing into the opening, landing on the catwalk I knew was there.





I don't make a sound.

I can hear everything.

I got a pretty good sense of what was inside from the roof, but this is... different. Compared to outside, it was like it was muffled.

I don't think about the sense of pride I feel from being able to hear it despite this.

'Ha, you have a far way to go if you think that's something special Matty, focus.'

I feel my teeth clench at the voice that sounds suspiciously like Stick in my head.

'You just won't leave me alone, will you?'


I sigh. I have things to do.

I focus on the area around me, sorting the sensations into groups.

Metal, fire, gas. Welding.

Whirring, drills, the scrape of metal on metal. Assembling... something.

I focus my senses of making out shapes.

There's conveyors and mechanical arms, lots of metal, but it's... shaped. Almost humanoid, like armor. There's something else though.

I focus harder, further into the rooms, further through the all the metal and fire and electricity and gas. Through the wood and glass and long destroyed insulation.

I see it.


I have found bodies quite like this, and I've come across them in varying shapes, both alive, and dead.

It's almost like they're not quite dead.

I can't hear a heartbeat from any of the ones closer to what I assume is the beginning of the line, but as I hear them get carried, hear them get assembled, (that explains the armor, I think bitterly), I can hear something in them.

I hear something whirring I their chests. I hear the movement of limbs, barely twitching, and I hear them live.

Still no heart beat or breathing, it's almost like they're puppets. This is like some kind of sick reverse of the Hand. Instead of eternal life, there's just eternal... nothingness. Reanimation instead of reincarnation. Making living death, instead of using death to live.

Whirrrrrrr- bleep- whirrrr

What was that?

I focus on the strange whirring sound, it sounded different from the other machines, and it's... smaller?

I snap to attention and 5 heartbeats are registered by my sensitive eardrums.

I only sensed 4 people.

Oh no-

"Ooh, dark, spooky, building. Love myself a dark, spooky building."

"Don't you think we should, I dunno, go when it's not dark and spooky?"

"Yeah, I agree with Ryan, isn't this too dangerous?"

"Aw, Graham, where's the fun if it isn't a little bit dangerous? Come along fan!"

"At least keep it down Doctor, we are already in enough danger without alerting everyone here to our presence."

"Don't worry Yaz, this is just a factory, there's no actual Cybermen here, well, at least not properly working ones."

"You still have to tell us exactly what these Cyebermen are too, you know!"

"Oh hush down you lot, you'll get to see soon enough."

I hear footsteps walk further into the building, their steps muffled by the loud atmosphere, almost suffocating. If I didn't have heightened senses, ("super powers!" I hear Foggy over enthusiastcally, and unhelpfully, chime in some deep part of my mind), I wouldn't have been able to detect them over the din.

Hell, it was already a bit of a struggle to hear their heartbeats, not that I'd tell anyone that out loud.

Well I'll be damned, I think to myself as I pointedly ignore the voice that once again sounds suspiciously like Foggy in my head that's pointing out the irony of that statement.


Words: 764

AN: filler chapter once again, I really need to start posting these sooner, I am so sorry.

(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and to anyone who says that writing a 3k chapter is easy and doable, I enjoy reading your stuff, but crap dude, respect, hopefully I'll get their one day soon. (╥﹏╥)

On the bright side summer is coming up soon (but so are finals, but let's ignore that for the limited amount of sanity I have left *strangles laughter*) so I should be updating semi-regularly. ':)

Make sure to comment and like, as it gives me life, I swear, I love you all, and thank you so so so much for putting up with me, I promise I will not abandon this. 😭💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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