You're in a music video

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Kinda inspired by the genshin impact music video with the original voice actors for Klee, QiQi, Xiao, and Venti, and my god it is amazing.


Bold of you to assume he didn't already listen to it, he is one of the Reddit admins for your Reddit page. He would listen to it 24/7 while working or relaxing, your voice just relaxes him. He would even listen to it while playing genshin impact as your character, and if it was a solo song, he would blast it on his speakers.


This man would scream if he found out there's a music video with you in it. When he listens to your voice, he's grinning, and when Davlin saw him grinning it scares him. He makes your part of the song his ringtone and he has no shame, he is the biggest simp (maybe) in the community. If it's a solo song you bet he's gonna listen to it 24/7 and Davlin forever scared of his grinning face.


He listens to it while he studies, plans, and do experiments, and basically anything he does he listens to the song. of course, he listens to other songs but his favorite is, of course, any song that has you in it. Solo songs are always on repeat, don't ask why.


His siblings would question whats with all the music coming from Xiao's room, He is blasting that music in his room. He would listen to it while playing genshin or basically anything, and if you had a solo song he's gonna put that has his alarm.


He would sing along with your song and will get recorded secretly by Xingyu since he such a good friend. He likes it so much that he falls asleep to the song if it's a calm one. If a solo song than he will smile while listening, and Xingqiu again will blackmail him with a photo of him smiling and listening to the song.

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