Reactions to Y/N being the final boss

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request (Or idea) from Rose_flower0114!


He's just in shock that you're the final boss, like why of all people he can kill it has to be you. He doesn't want to hurt you so he blames it on kaeya, "Dang it Kaeya look what you done!" "I did nothing!" He will not be the same at the end of the battle, seeing you gone will kill him. I got as many eggs as he can.


The man was drinking his boba, he spat out it out. He wide eyes when he sees you as the final boss, "Why do all the surprises happen when I drink my boba!!" Dvalin and Andrius had a flood in their own apartment and called in a plumber without even knowing its Venti crying after defeating you.


two words, sad art. He will be so confused at first when the quest said defeat Y/n and he's like "...What" When he realizes he has to kill you in order to complete the main story quest he just shuts off his computer, he can't watch you die in front of him. Mihoyo look what you have done to our precious Albedo.


He started Streaming for a while and he got popular so fast, but everyone agrees the funniest part of his whole streamer life so far is when he fell out of his chair when he saw you as the boss. Xiao held back his tears saying to his chat "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine... I'm not fine" Chat comforted him (Chat tried to)


The boy was watching youtube and he found this video of the cutscene of you dying as the last boss. Let's say he cried with his Y/n plushie. Xingqiu got his popsicles ready and felt bad for him, so he made a Y/n shaped popsicle because friends help friends. Never lets you die when he plays you because he gets the flashbacks. 


He knew you were gonna be the final boss because of your character, but he didn't want to fight you and so he got mad at the end. Rewards? never used. Never lets you die ever or else he gonna get PTSD from the final boss fight. He always teleports to Inazuma before logging off just for you after that boss fight (And nowhere else)


He loves enemies to lovers but this is too far. He knew that you were a villain but he did not expect you to be the final boss since you're already a weekly boss. He got super sad and if he was streaming it Chat would make fanart of you to cheer him up, He reads s fanfiction that has a better ending.


He surprised, but he's calm surprised. He never really thought you were gonna be the final boss of the game since your so kind and that you're an archon. But he can't stop a big company from killing his beloved Waifu, but he will get sad. Everyone in the community was kind of mad at Mihoyo for making their dad sad and their mom is gone.

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