Reactions to Y/n saving the same outfit as them

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Requested by Rose_flower0114

(For this I'm gonna say it in like same skin models as their outfit if that is ok)


He sees new Skins and he is surprised by your new skin being the exact outfit he wore two days ago. Gets his Crystals ready so he can buy the skin for you (And so he can wear the outfit while he plays.)


He did a modern outfit cosplay of you at a genshin convention, so when he sees the same outfit he's wearing on you he screams. Steals from Dvalin's wallet so he can buy your skin because he will be the best simp in the world (Chongyun got competition) 


Mihoyo commissioned him for a skin for you, in which he the cheeky simp made his favorite outfit onto you so he can match with you. Posts his outfit on his social media after your skin was announced and Everyone went crazy. He got the skin for free


I confirm he is a part-time model and genshin just yeeted his outfit onto you. He's on the edge of his table, head poking out with big eyes staring at the twitter announcement of your skin. But its not just his outfit skin but also your Beta skin so yeaaaaaaaah (In terms of mora, we have mora for once)


Venti dares to challenge the best simp, This adorable boy will fight a cockroach with his bare hands for your skin, let alone his own outfit at his closet. Wears your outfit the day he bought the skin and will get his popsicles.


This was when you weren't a playable character but Mihoyo just decided to make the community thirst over you more with a new outfit, and it was super effective on Scaramouche since he was wearing your outfit that day. Northland bank was so confused on why the amount of money they had just lowered by 20%


You messed with the wrong person Mihoyo, Childe the walking wallet is now talking about your skin all the time to Zhongli on how it looks like his outfit back at hos house. Hopes that he can get it through an event but if he can't then it does hurt to use a little money to spend on you more. 


He wants your skin badly but if he can get it through an event he will do the event 100%. He was just trying new outfits because Childe said he needed new clothes and here Mihoyo goes to use his outfit for you. This time he got his own wallet ready (This shows he will use his own money for you) 

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