Chapter 1. Kill me already.

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Amelia Zadro as Layla Allen.

Edited (twice)
Word count- 2055 words (with a/n)
Chapter edit date- 27/12/2016

Old readers- Major major cast change-up. Now Layla will be played by this beauty. The only thing is I imagine her with brown eyes. People who want to imagine Nina are free to do so, her gifs too won't change; but I think she is much suited.
Also I changed her age to 25 years. So if you notice its not that somewhere please tell me.

And Layla's crush name is Cameron not Cole.

New as well as old readers- If you read this latest A/N- comment your favourite rom-com movie.

Layla's POV

"For the love of God, Damon, if you don't tell your bimbo to shut up, I'll personally kill you with my bare hands, naked or not."

"Love you too, Layla," he said, his cackling echoing from the other room. That cheeky little b*stard.

But seriously, geesh! How did people have the energy to 'go at it' at 7 in the morning? I mean, Damon's Damon, I could understand that, but hell, at 7am?

Well, as you might have already guessed - I'm Layla, 25-years-old, a full-time waitress. Definitely only a waitress. Not anything else, nope.

Damon, whom you've obviously met, is my 27-year-old best friend and roommate. Oh yeah, and he's a bartender. His shift starts at 8 in the evening, but me? I have to be there by 9am during breakfast lunch time. Lucky me, right? You might be curious as to where Damon and I work.

At the 'Heavenly Desire'.

And no, it's not a strip club. It's a family diner. Legit.

The bar is across the street. It is known to be constantly swarmed by people. And it's pretty safe to say that he's the most popular bartender there. All the guys envy him, and all the girls always wish for a opportunity with him. They've literally tried everything and anything to get his attention. I'm not even kidding.

Once a girl made a scene at the bar just to get him to notice her. That wasn't even the best part; she blew up on me. She must've seen Damon talking to me, so she accused me of purposely spoiling her dress with my soda, which in my defence, fell accidentally. But I'm sure we all know that she ruined the dress intentionally.

Damon, being the man-wh*re he was, was all too willing to invite her into our apartment to get it cleaned up. Well, they did a lot of cleaning that night, if you know what I mean.

Damon 'going at it' at 7am did help me wake up a couple of times. I had nearly been late twice this week, but thanks to him, I didn't. Although I must admit, it wasn't the most pleasant of greetings.

Wincing, I grudgingly threw my covers off of me and headed to the common bathroom to do my daily business. I stared quizzically at the waitress uniform I owned and wondered what kind of person would make an outfit so horrific. Thank the lords that I owned only three of them (which in my opinion, was still three too many, but when you're desperate, you can't be picky).

The uniform was a horrendous sight mixed with splashes of pink and yellow, which was definitely not the best colour combination around. The collar was laced with a vibrant and distinct shade of highlighter yellow with a white button shirt underneath. The wrists were decorated with a pink lace ribbon, mirroring the other sleeve. To top it off, it was complemented with a pink and white checkered skirt.

I cringed before shoving it over my head. I exited the bathroom before shuffling into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my unappreciative best friend.

Dear Alpha, I'm Sorry.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon