Chapter 10. I didn't know that.

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Edited (twice)
Word count- 1800 words( with A/N)
Chapter edit date- 09/04/2018.

Old Readers- Chapter has new scenes, dialogues, and a slight plot change. Read Carefully.

New as well as Old Readers- Updates are mostly Mondays. Tell me the most annoying thing your sibling/bestfriend does.

Stark's POV

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Stark's POV

I was insane. This is utter and pure insanity. ya takaya zadnitsa.

What was I thinking? From when do I reside to torturing people like we are in 19th century?

I know this wouldn't digest with many people; heck, even I can't digest it; but I think she brought out the worst in me.

Well, as bad as it can get.

I'm totally scr*wed up in my head. I was definitely in line for lunatics at the nut house.

She just...

Why doesn't she recognise me yet? Why can't my wolf feel her wolf's presence? How long can she actually conceal it?

I didn't know that. I didn't know any of this. Zarini, our witch friend, told me that she could be under another witch's spell, or could be taking a potion to hide her wolf's scent, but it should be out of her system by now.

I've tried everything. From dehydration, to starvation, to the worst possibility, physical pain. But, Xavier still can't connect to her wolf.

Xavier is having a hard time controlling himself around her, as he getting agitated that his mate won't acknowledge him. He's an Alpha, and these urges are stronger for us than any other wolves.

She's so beautiful, it physically hurt me to stay away from her. I found my Padayushchaya zvezda. Mother was right. Mother does know best.

It was exactly as she explained. My heart sped up the way she said it would, and my breath stopped the way she said it would. I was speechless, hopeless the moment I saw her. Those dazzling eyes.

Her beautiful brunette hair to the perfectly doe eyes. She was a pure miracle. And to think that's she's paired with Mudak like me, moon goddess would've been drunk that night.

Sorry. No Moon goddess inappropriate jokes. I should be thanking her.

From the moment I saw her I was mesmerised. She was just....

Again, beautiful.

I remembered the day it all happened...

It was again an unsuccessful lead to find the man I truly wanted to kill. He was such a pain in the *ss to find. He sure does have skills to cover his tracks so well.

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