Chapter 6. Omega.

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Edited (twice)
Word count-  1600 words( with A/N)
Chapter edit date- 20/01/2017.

Old readers- Hey as you must've noticed the changes in the main leads name, I have added few words in their language to make it more believable. And to this point I'll have to say you'll have to read the book from the start again after it is done with the reconstruction. Also recommend me bookclubs and your twitter accounts, Facebook, snapchat, etc. I'm following first 10 commenters.

New readers as well as old- If you read this a/n,  tell me your favourite non-english tv series.

Layla's POV.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound rang in my head, causing me to groan and my eyes to pinch together tighter.

I tried to pry my eyes open, but like last time they wouldn't budge. I felt something against my wrist, and given my previous situation, it was most likely an IV.

The bed I was lying on was not as comfortable as Mister's. It was a lot stiffer and definitely not as soft. But wait, where exactly was I?

I tried to open my eyes again, but after many failed attempts, they still refused to see the light. Finally, after what seemed like decades, they finally fluttered open.

I squinted against the light, slowly adjusting my eyes. Soon enough, I recognised the familiarity of a hospital room. This was because of my tendency to often 'visit' these rooms. What can I say? I'm a magnet for danger. The fact that I've been kidnapped kind of proves my point. But let's not get into that too much.

Looking around, I could see that the room was the typically decorated hospital room. There was vanilla-scented sanitizer in the air, and the same old hard hospital bed with machines to both my sides. There were needles sticking in both my arms and a plainly decorated window to the left. There was nothing else in the room. From the looks of it, though, it was a private room.

They also really need a change of colour. I don't know, maybe yellow? For happiness? Wait, that really wouldn't work out if someone died, right? Nevermind, then.

I opened my mouth to call for someone, but my mouth was dry. Almost too dry. Seems like I had been out for a long time.

I turned my head to my right and noticed the guy from the forest, fast asleep on the chair next to me, his head on the bed. His name was Jason, I think.


If I was in Mister's vicinity, I swear to god that I'm going to dismantle him. I held back the urge to punch his sleeping face. I wouldn't have been in this situation if it wasn't for him.

I had to admit that he looked quite peaceful sleeping, which made me a little reluctant to wake him up with a fist to the face. I, too, was a sleep lover, and I didn't want to disturb him.

A jug fully filled with water was on the bedside table to the right of me. I reached for it and clasped that handle. I was about to pour it into the cup next to it, but being the clumsy person I am, the jug slipped and landed with a loud clink on the ground. It clearly startled Jason, as he jumped 5-feet in the air and abruptly took a defence stance.

He looked around a couple of times before his gaze landed on the jug, and later on me.

His eyes widened, obviously surprised to already see me awake.

Dear Alpha, I'm Sorry.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora