Chapter 3. Human.

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Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore.

Edited (twice)
Word count- 1740 (with the A/N)
Chapter edit date- 05/02/2017

Old readers- Hey guys, my editor is in flash mode so it might get done by this month end i.e. jan end.
Also, I want to make this book Watty worthy in 2017 for sure and maybe complete it too, so I'm making major changes.

So I need you to help me widen my reach. All of you give me your twitter ID's right here, I'll follow you and you follow back. And tweet me book to your friends and persuade then to read it.

Also if at any place, you feel like the book is just now dragging. Please tell me in the comment. It won't offend me, but only help me. Please.

New as well as old readers- If you read this A/N, tell me your favourite wattpad PG-13 book.

Layla's POV

I felt a stinging pain in my head, and I closed my eyes tighter. My head hurt so damn much. It was like someone bashed a hundred ton dumbbell on it. Wait a second...

Where was I? Sh*t.

I started panicking. My breathing got rigged, and my headache only seemed to grow.

Why did I feel this way? Why couldn't I remember anything? I racked my brain for any information. Where was I last? Oh right, so I was just leaving the diner and...

Suddenly, a wave of memories came flooding over me, coming back one by one.

The escalade. The hunks. Mister. Oh, f*ck. F*ckity, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

I was going to kill that b*stard. How dare he kidnap me? How dare he have the audacity to tell me I was being kidnapped so calmly whilst I was freaking out? How f*cking dare he?

I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge from their shut position. I was so going to have his head on a platter once I could get my eyes to open.

Gradually, with admittedly quite a lot of effort, they fluttered open and light seeped into my irises. I squinted, trying to adjust to the bright light.

The first thing I noticed was that I was lying on a bed, and a very comfortable one at that. A net curtain was hanging from the top, flowing all the way down to the mattress. The mattress itself was soft, allowing my entire weight to sink in. I felt like I was resting on a cloud. It was the best bed ever.

After a few minutes of lying on the heavenly bed, the realisation that I was probably in someone else's bed dawned on me. Shit. It was probably Mister's... hopefully. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to be in someone else's bed, but hey, if I had to pick a random stranger, it would be him.

I didn't even want to think of the possibility of being sold and placed in a brothel. Let's hope he didn't kidnap me for that. Though, he didn't really look like a brothel dealer; more like a corporate person. But, you know, you can never be too sure.

Stretching a little, I shifted to sit up on the bed. Or, attempted to anyways. For some reason, my body felt so weak. But I'm pretty sure whatever he injected me with was what was making me feel so drained.

Finally, after a few struggling attempts, I managed to come into a sitting position, leaning on the pillow I placed against the headrest. Quickly glancing a little around my surroundings,I noticed that I was currently lying on a four-poster-king-sized bed with white sheets and a black comforter.

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