Chapter 4. What am I suppose to do now?

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Edited (twice)
Word Count- 2150 (with A/N)
Chapter Edit Date- 06/01/2017.

Old readers-Okay so there is a major cast change up which I'll update soon! Seriously guys don't hesitate to point out if you think the story drags. Also, there'll be some major changes, so tune in.

New readers as well as old- If you read this A/N, tell me your favourite drink (alcoholic or non)

Layla's POV

My life officially s*cked.

I was dehydrated, was as hungry as a bear, had been in my uniform for past two days, which was frankly, quite disgusting, and was absolutely frustrated out of my mind. Not to mention, I had a cut lip and a bruise on my arm. And I was bored as f*ck.

That asshole didn't come back for hours.

Seriously, what did I ever do to him?

He even forgot my fooooood. Like who does that? You should never mess with a girl's food, or her chocolate. Never.

Instead of waiting, I decided to sleep that night. If he wasn't coming back, I might as well make full use of his bed, right?

Afterwards, I tried nursing my busted lip. And by nursing, I mean dabbing my lip with the wet towel I found in the bathroom. Which was again hard as f*ck, considering it took me entire 10 minutes to reach there.

And don't even get me started on the bathroom. Man, it was by far the most luxurious thing I had ever seen.

It too, had a black and white interior like the bedroom, but had a golden chandelier on the ceiling. Who even needs chandelier in the bathroom?

There was a connecting room that contained a tub and shower. I was more shocked at the fact that it didn't have an attached steam room.

It had the biggest mirror I had ever seen for a bathroom. And the towels were so posh too. They were made of pure wool, almost like touching the fur of a dog.

Okay, maybe bad reference.

But, you get my point.

I sat on the edge of his bed, facing the balcony and enjoying the breathtaking view through the balcony doors. The forest up ahead was a bit far from the house, but by the looks of it, I was on a higher floor. I quickly calculated, gauging the distance. It must have been 300 metres away.

The trees of the forest shone with a faint white glow, the moon reflecting off the dew on the leaves. I sighed.

Where was Damon now? Was he searching for me?

He must be worried out of his mind.

Ever since the day we met - the day the incident happened - he had been watching me like a hawk.

If I didn't answer my phone the first time, he would get super paranoid, leaving the bar in the middle of a rush to come and check on me.

That day, on the day I was kidnapped, he had called me, right before I left the diner.

I must've dropped my cellphone when I was fighting those hunks.

Damon was my motivation to keep going everyday, despite his annoying habits.

I had to start to search ways to get out of this gorgeous sh*thole.

But I decided to settle on taking a shower first, choosing to think about my escape plan in the bathroom.

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