Chapter 5. You should run.

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Don Benjamin as Jason miraz.

Edited (twice)
Word count- 1260 words( with A/N)
Chapter edit date- 06/01/2017.

Old readers- Okay, guys so here is Jason's cast change up. I fell in love with him in Ariana Grande's music video so here he is now. I hope you like this change-up. Also if you find any cuss words that aren't marked *, please inform me.

New readers as well as old- If you read this A/N, tell me your favourite Ariana Grande song.

Layla's POV

The jump from the tree had made me extremely dizzy, even more so than before. I retired against the wall for a few minutes, resting my head and taking deep breaths to calm myself. I had only taken cash from the room, yes which was in his underwear drawer, but what I desperately needed was water.

I continued walking again, but I didn't have much energy left in my body. The hunger was really taking a toll on my body.

My ears perked up at a loud growl from far away. F*ck. Where there wolves in the forest? Who builds a house in middle of a freaking forest? Like seriously, where's your conscience?

But what was I even saying?

Where was my conscience? Couldn't I have waited until morning? I don't know, even maybe an hour or two?

It was probably already 2:30am. Just two more hours or something and it would have been morning.

I decided that I couldn't possibly do anything about the wolves except to find the main road as quickly as possible. I really didn't want to become their meal.

A few minutes later, the nausea hit me full force. My head disorientated, I stumbled and collapsed onto the ground.

But I had to keep going. I staggered back up, stumbling a bit to the side. My knees shook, unable to support my weight very well. But slowly, gradually, I began to walk.

I guess I must have been walking for an hour already. But there were an infinite number of trees in the way, which didn't make it any easier.

I had already scratched my arms a couple of times from the sharpness of the bark; it didn't help that I couldn't see very well in the darkness.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap to my right. I quickly took a defence stance. A man came out of the trees in nothing but a pair of shorts. (I would be lying if I said he wasn't a delicious sight to see.)

But as soon as I saw him, my vision cleared, and all of a sudden I could see in the dark - I could see him as clear as day.

No, I'm no superwoman. This area just so happened to not have that many trees. The almost faint moonlight was almost directly shining on him, which made him look like a glowing angel.

He was tall, very tall. He was definitely well over 6-feet. He had a crew cut and exceptionally well-defined jawline and cheekbones. He had the lightest of eyes, which complemented greatly with his tanned skin. And a cap.

Seriously? No shirt but definitely a cap? That's a sh*tty logic.

He even had 6-pack abs and a drool worthy v-line. I wondered if Mister had the same.

Wait a minute. Why the heck am I comparing him to Mister?

I didn't realise how long was I checking him out until he coughed.

I gave him a sheepish grin. Busted.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked me with all seriousness. His voice was so manly and husky. Urgh.

"Um... I lost my way. I had just come from the main road. Could you help me find my way again?" I replied, flashing him an innocent smile. Well, it was half-true. I had lost my way. Surely that's got to be something, right?

He seemed dubious, but nodded anyway.

"Well, come on, I'll show you the way", he said gesturing to his right. He started walking in this direction, and I had no choice but to follow him.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here so late at night?" I asked, suddenly curious to know his answer.

"I could ask you the same thing," he said tilting his body sideways to give me a pointed look, all the while dodging the low-hanging branches. I didn't reply.

"But to answer your question, it's already morning. It's 5am. I was out for my run, so don't worry. I'm not a serial killer or anything," he added.

"I never thought you were," I said still following his footsteps. Was it really 5?

I glanced up at the sky. The sky had become lighter, and if I squinted, I could see a hint of sunlight. The pink-orange colour had started to paint the dark blue sky.

The man always seemed to be at least 5-feet in front of me. I couldn't help but wonder why. After roughly ten minutes, I started to notice that my surroundings seemed suspiciously familiar.

"Excuse me. I think we are going in the wrong direction." I said, raising my guard a little.

"Well, I may not be a serial killer, but I am still a stranger," he said chuckling. "Hasn't Mommy taught you? Never listen to strangers."

I gasped.

"You tricked me! You're taking me back. Oh my God, you know who I am," I said, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Well, Stark is my best friend, and I was there at the diner when you and Stark had a showdown. So naturally, yeah. I do know who you are," he replied indifferently.

So the Mister's name was Stark.

That was a really nice name. It kind of suited him too.

He stopped walking and turned to look at me. But I couldn't comprehend his words; I was busy looking behind him.

I narrowed my eyes to get a better view. And that's when I saw it: a huge brown wolf. My eyes widened.

The guy paused, noticing my worried expression.

I quickly pointed behind him. "There...there's a huge w-wolf behind you."

"Yeah, I know," he said casually. How the heck can he be so casual about it?

"I think you should run. He's heading this way," I said taking a step back, but when he showed no initiative to move, I stopped too.

"Are you crazy? Run mad-man!" I whisper-shouted, not wanting to alarm the approaching wolf.

But he didn't move at all. He just looked at me with amusement in his eyes, laughing.

What was with this guy?

Why was it that I always meet the craziest people?

First, Mister. Now, him.

The wolf came to stand beside him. The guy nodded his head at the wolf, the wolf seemingly returning the gesture.

I had officially lost my voice.

"I'm Jason, by the way. And I'm Stark's best friend," he said.

Before I could reply though, my nausea came back, this time, however, it was worse than ever. Before I knew it, I slipped into a state of unconsciousness and everything went black. Again.



Hey there guys.
I hope the lengths are getting bigger and satisfying you people. I try my best too.
I would really appreciate it if you guys voted. That would motivate me to write more too.

Thanks a lot to saia_myes for the first person to vote on my chapters.

Till then bye bye wolfies.

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