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Well I'm here. Midtown school of science and technology. It's been a weird ride. From going to public school then never seeing my friends again because of the incident. I moved across the country in a span of minutes. No one asked me. I was just thrown on a plane waiting to get to my new home. 

Midtown was a weird school to me. It was polished and clean. The popcorn roof even illumanated the hall. The lockers had no sign of decay just a crisp clean teal not even a chip of paint missing. People wondered all around me just going back and forth crossing my vision just blurring my vision out enough that I snapped out of this "trance" I was in.

"Hi you must be new." this kid had a slicked side part and a nerdy appeal. His shirt reading "find x" on a triangle. I had allready done the math in my head the answer was 4.

"Ya I am do you know where my classes are?"I probably sound stupid. 

"Oh room 108 just down the hall take a right and continue down until you see room 108." He sounded nervous around me. "My name's Peter by the way." 

"Hi Peter I'm Cece."

"Well I got to get going I have to catch up on half a semester."

"Ok um see you later then Cece."

He was nice I enjoyed his company. I followed his directions eventually finding room 108. History went smoothly and I always enjoyed history but it was weird that Thor's name was in my textbook. At my old school the teachers despised superheros and never spoke a word of one to me. 

Next class room 232. Math. I've always been natrually good at math. I stepped in hopping to catch a glimpse of the kind kid I saw in the hallway. What was his name? Peter oh right. There was a kid in front of Peter biting his lip. I guess flirting with me. This was terrifying. My eyes shot down staring at the ground. I didn't want something like at my old school to happen again. Midtown is supposed to be different so far it had been. But seeing this kid's dreaded face shook me. 

"The new girl can sit next to me!" 

"No Flash she can chose any empty seat and doesn't have to sit with you. Not everyone is requiered to enjoy your company."

His name was Flash. I will never go around Flash again. He may be in my math class but my eyes can wander like today. Like anyday before. I'm not forced to look at his goblin face. Behind the kid I already had a vindetta against sat Peter. An empty seat next to him. I made my way towards him and already decided to look out the window. It is a terrifying unfair world we live in, sometimes the best you can do is search for the beauty. Like this bird that sat on the ledge next to me. It's branch colour and different tones of brown set it apart from all the busy streets in the background. The only odd thing was it stared at me like I was important. Like I mattered.

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