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Before I start this part I would like to share this photo of Chris Evans:

Before I start this part I would like to share this photo of Chris Evans:

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Cece just freaked out. She relied on me. It is a great feeling when you know someone needs you. The worst probably knowing someone hates you but I never feel that around her, I just feel at peace when I'm around her. Her silky soft chestnut brown hair tickling my neck. Her hand on mine, the warmth of her body next to mine. The butterflies that said hi reminding me how much I want to be around her. Ned was right I do like Cece. 

That doesn't mean I still don't have questions. I can converse sometimes... maybe not the best but I can.


"Ya." she took a gulp of water her head below mine.

"Is Cece a nickname?"

"Ya." she had a calm tone whatever I did worked to calm her down and I felt accomplished in ways that she was calm. 

"For what?"

She took a deep breath but didn't move an inch "Grace."

"That's a pretty name!"

"Ya but I don't like it. It's to plain and bad memories are attached of you know what." she was talking about coming out. I can only imagine what it's like to have someone resent you for being you, it's stupid... her parents are stupid. 

"Cece it is."

"Yes always and forever Cece Waters."

"You watch drag race?!"

"Ya... my favourite season is season 12."

"Drag race is so fun to watch! I love watching the snatch game because I'm hoping one day one of the queens will do me!" 

She takes her head off my shoulder a huge smile strung across her face. "Do you want to eat somewhere after school? I've never ate out." 

"You haven't I do not believe you." 

"It's sad but it's true." she laughs. Man her laugh is so cute she snorts and she tries to keep it down and make it quiet but hers is always that loudest in the room. She is just the best. No doubt. 

"Well we have to change that." The bell rings and we meet up at our lockers

"What time?" I spit out

"Now. I want to have the experience now." we rush out the doors and I take her to my favourite spot. 

"This looks fancy."

"I know it was my parent's favourite restaurant." Park ride.

"Let's go to the thrift store and get some fancy clothes." she was right everyone had a tux or a dress to the floor. To be honest I had never been here, I just know this is where my Dad took my Mom on their first date. I want it to be mine as well. 

We found a tux and a dress that fit us and matched as well. She looked beautiful she reached in her bag and put on a nude lipstick. I couldn't move only stare at her beauty. Her eyelashes were long and curled every girl wanted those types of eyelashes and I envied her eyelashes as well. So beautiful. I brush my hand against hers and for a split moment she pulls away but brings her hand back interlacing our fingers.

"Table for two please."

"Follow me."

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