I honestly have no idea how I got to the forest. But the bird that sat on the window now flew across my sight. This place was wonderful, like a secret garden. A swing sat in the centre and flowers surronded the area all unique colours. A waterfall in the background and a campfire to my right. It was so beautiful I didn't know where to begin. I loved all of this it was so unique. It felt like home I didn't need to hide. I just wanted to take it in. I decided to take a seat on the swing facing the back so I could see everything from the baby blue sky to the white ashes of the recently burned fire. I felt at peace with myself. I always felt I was not in a clique. I was never popular but not a complete nerd. I wasn't to uncomfortable talking to people but still liked to keep myself. I liked some games (animal crossing being my favourite) but was never allowed to play call of duty or grand theft auto. All I wanted was to stay in this moment forever at peace with myself and feeling like I belonged. It was a perfect haven. I never wanted to leave. 

I looked down at myself. This isn't what I was wearing on my way in. It had puffy sleves and a light brown colour like a cottagecore dress I had a pink rose flower crown sitting on top of my head and no shoes. I didn't care that my clothes were different but I guess I should've. I touched the gourges waterfall with my fingers brought it over to the flowers and watered them. The flowers that had drops of water grew rather quickly now up to my waist still becoming larger and larger. I wasn't afraid I knew this place was calm and safe so far. I wandered my way to the ashes of the fire. It was getting a bit dark and I didn't want to leave so soon. It soon lit up and raised in all it's glory. A shiver ran down my spine. I became cold but was right beside a blazing fire. 

Leafs started flying all around me and the flowers kept growing until it managed to grasp my foot. The water crept up and grabbed my arm. Heat went up my leg I looked down in shock to see flames holding my leg down. The air kept pulling my remaining limb pulling it straight. I felt like I was being drawn and quartered. These forces of nature flipped me over my body covered in sweat. My breaths getting closer and closer together, my mind full of thoughts. Why did I follow that bird? Why did I do this? Is this how I die?

"HELP!!!" I screamed "HELP" I continued to scream at the top of my lungs until the water creeped up my arm onto my mouth keeping me silent. This is how I go out. I wish someone was here to save me. I don't know why my old school hated on heros so much because right now I need one. 

I let my head drop I stopped trying to escape these forces grasp. I relaxed my body. In a matter of seconds the pressure on my limbs was gone. I stayed down just to take a breath. That is when I felt a burn a cooling feeling a brush of wind and a light flower on me. I looked at my chest and every single element slowly made it's way into my body. Each trying to push pass the other. In a blink of an eye these elements these things were gone. I was back in my normal clothes and saw Peter standing beside me. 

"Hey Peter!" I tryed to sound normal I was tired and barely able to get up. 

"Are you okay?" Peter looked concerned and had a glassy look in his eyes. 

"Ya um ya I am don't worry." I thought I was fine until I passed out in his arms. May I just say for being a kind of awkward nerd he was jacked. 


I woke up in a white room. Surronded by lights on a rock hard bed. I was in the hospital wasn't I. 

"Oh my gosh your awake!"


"I'm here!" he sounded so releaved "You passed out in my arms! What happened you disappeared but then you all of a sudden a I guess reappeared right in front of me?!"

Oh that wasn't a dream. I quickly lifted the covers and started to examine my leg. No burns. How? Fire was literally on me. "How long was I out?"

"Only about an hour." his tone became softer "Scariest hour of my life. What happened to you though? The doctors need to dignose you."

"I don't know." That's a lie I did know. "I just remember seeing you then passing out." Another lie spued out of my mouth. 

"Ok umm do you want me to call your parents?" I stayed silent for a minute until he spoke up again. "Oh I'm sorry. Are they dead or just cut you off?" I didn't want to answer something so sensetive and close to my heart. 

"The second one."

"I'm so so so sorry."

"It's fine don't worry." 

After about 5 bloodtests and 1 mri I was allowed to leave. I didn't live anywhere in a home. My parents sent me away after thinking what happened was my fault. I didn't have what Peter would call a home. 

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No thanks." I wanted him to but my home was a cave behind a waterfall. 

"Let me. Please." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"Can I go to your house I don't want to go to the orphanage."

"For sure." he stopped and thought "Your parents aren't dead though."

"They cut me off and disowened me so I have no where to go except there."

"Oh umm ok. May I ask why?"

"Umm well aaa I don't want to say."

He nodded. Peter was a nice guy. "You are going to love my Aunt, May!" He kept on babbling on and on trying to fill the dead air. We finally made it to his apartment. His Aunt May was very kind and sweet. She gave me tea and some food. She was great at making cookies. 

"Can I stay here for a while? If that's ok."

"Of course you can Peter has a bunkbed in his bedroom so you can join him in there."

"Thanks May!" I finally had found a temporary that doesn't care about the incident. I finally found a place that lets me sleep on my own bed ish. 

"Do you have any clothes Cece?"

"Everything I own is in this bag." I laughed. 

"Aw that's horrible we'll do some shopping tomorrow."

"Oh um thank you that means a lot."

I followed Peter into his bedroom. I layed my stuff down and was in awe. It was small and quaint. It smelled like a teenage boy which was ok I guess. Not my favourite scent but I was just happy to sleep with a roof over my head. 

Author's rambles 

I forgot to mention this takes place between endgame and far from home so no one knows who spider man is!- your local girl with anxiety

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