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Cece is staying at my house. Cece is staying at my house. Cece is staying at my house. I never knew my life would come so far that the girl I thought was beautiful is above me sleeping. She is the perfect bunk bed partner (if that's a thing), she doesn't snore, move to much and she smiles as she breaths. I wonder what she dreams of.  Although I was delighted to see Cece in my house living with me. I couldn't help but wonder why. I know she doesn't live at the orphanage. Don't ask me why I know that. I just do. Wow I'm girl crazy first Liz then Mj then Cece. Still wonder what Cece's real name is. 

The next day Cece wore a white sweater with different coloured stripes across and blue jeans. I'm suprised at how many pieces of clothing she can fit in that backpack. She has two bags one full of clothes the other just stuff for school. Cece didn't want to change in front of me which I completely understand so she went to the bathroom. I know I shouldn't have looked through her bag I know that. I still did. Just the school one though not clothing that would be disgusting. She had what looked like a cracked iphone 11, a school issued laptop and a couple folders and notebooks all of which were colour coded. Her bright yellow backpack looked torn and old. The only thing that looked "new" was a yellow daisy posed at the top. It seemed like it was never picked it looked like it just grew on the bag. 

We walked to school together I have a love hate relationship with silence I either love it or hate it no inbetween. In this case I had to talk. "How's your first week at midtown been?"

"It's been well a good way." she stuttered her words a lot even more reasons I wanted to spill my guts out to her. I kept this a secret for such a long time only Ned knowing about my recent taking of the spider suit. I also guess aunt May she walked in on me changing in it. Not fun. I just wanted to tell her. 

We talked all the way to school silidifying our friendship. I looked back at our path and noticed a new growth of flowers on the grass. What the heck. They were in the cracks of the sidewalk in one area a side of a building. 

"What happened over there Cece?" She quickly covered her mouth suprised but only with one hand and she laughed. "The flowers?" she quickly responded. "Ya they're everywhere but there has never been a single flower on this road." She looked at me in disbleif "Ok Peter maybe Spider-Man has a new villain on his hands germenation!" She snickered 

"How did you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"How did you know I was Spider-Man?"

"I didn't-" Oh crap I did not just tell her this secret. No no no no no no no. 

"Haha pranked ya!" she paused "Your suit was hanging up in the bathroom."

"My mistake well umm sorry to my secret identity, well I guess now you know haha."

"I guess I do." at least the secret is off my chest to her. I'm glad she didn't freak out. I'm happy she saw me in a positive light. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing.

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