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Trigger warning for coming out scares and includes some peoples fears about it and includes some mentions of conversion therapy if this triggers you go to when you see an underline part saying trigger warning over when there is no more mention of the bad stuff about coming out. 

As Cece left the room Wanda stared at me with water in her eyes. "What did you see?"

"She's been through a lot." she stopped "Her parents, her parents disowned her."

"I knew that but why would that make you cr-"

"She was kicked out for coming out."

"Oh." Silence filled the space. She's only ever seen me as a friend maybe she hasn't said what her sexuality is yet.

"She told her parents she was bisexual. She was told to pray and confess and sent to conversion therapy. I don't want to go further into that." she paused and took a deep breath. "She was bullied and in a matter of days was sent to New York because her parents resented her." 

Trigger warning over

"I hope she's okay." 

"She seems to be afraid of herself and what will happen if she tells anyone. She doesn't even have a home she lives in a cave." she never told me that all the other avengers just sat in awe of this happening to someone. The world seems so accepting to us the straight white men of the world.  

"She never told me that she lived in a cave I wish I could've been there for her more."

"Your her only source of comfort right now Peter." She smiles I know Wanda is faking the smile but still nice to see one. "She's so glad to have you as a friend. Her biggest fear is you hating her for her being bisexual."

"I could never. She is one of my best friends!" and my crush if I was honest "I could never hate her!" 

"She'll be excited to hear that." Wanda leaves the room in tears and the rest of the avengers follow. Cece walks back into the room.

"Where is everyone?"

"Oh a they um had to go." great lying Peter. 

"Okay..." She looks at me she knows. "Sure" I feel like she's staring into my soul. 

"I know you're bi." she looks shocked and looks like she's going to break down. "and I support you." she looks up at me and runs in to give me a hug.

"You have no idea how much that means to me." she cries into my arm. I notice her original clothes start to take over her dress. 

"Hey look!" she looks down at herself and is amazed that she has shoes on and is wearing what she wants. She hugs me even tighter and doesn't let me go. I love this embrace she trusts me she enjoys being around me. She loves to be with me and I can only say the same for myself. 

She whispers "Thank you... for everything." 

"Your welcome and I will always be here for you no matter what." We exit the avengers building arms on one another. This is what the perfect moments in life feel like.

Authors rambles:

I identify as bisexual and as I said this is based off a dream I had. Although I had an easy time coming out all the people I have come out to so far have been so supportive and loving. Coming out to the people you love shouldn't scare you and don't be afraid unless you feel like something bad and potentially dangerous is going to happen. 

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