The dress I have on is a light blue going to the floor. Peter has a dark blue suit. His hazel brown eyes stared at me. I loved it, the way he looked at me, the way he made me feel right now. I feel calm when he is with me, the butterfly feeling left me which was very comforting in a sense. I know I've had struggles I still do my powers feel different to me. But Wanda helped me I don't know how she understands my powers so well yet I don't. 

"Cece..." he was slow "I-I-i a like you. Like a lot." I don't know what to say I agree I like him too but words won't leave my mouth "Oh you disagree"

"No-no I agree completely Peter I just am... stunned I guess." he stares into my eyes and these words come out of my mouth like word vomit. "I love you. From bugboy to the nerdy guy beside me in class. I love you." 

He looks at me endearingly "I love you too." that was quick and it's weird to admit I do love him it's not just a small crush now this is a person I am meant to be with I hope. "Do we call this our first date?" 

"I guess we shall." as far as first dates go I don't think this is the one people expect or want but it was perfect for me and him. "Will you do me the honer and be my boyfriend Peter Parker?"

"Of course Milady. Shall we dance?" 

"We shall." he takes my hand and we go into the middle of a restaurant. He holds my waist I can tell we are both scared this is our first, our first time dancing together, our first date, our first day of being a well couple. 

At first it is extremely awkward of a dance until he pulled me in close I placed my head on his shoulder and instead of dancing we just swayed to the melody of the music. its been a long long time. I knew this is what it felt like to be at peace to be with Peter to be with someone who cares about you, who loves you, who wants to be around you like Mia did. I miss her but I know I can't go back she would want me to be happy here with my new life. 


How did the coming out go?

                                                                                                         Not well

So I'm guessing... 


It will be ok ily

                                                                                                        love you too

The last words we sent to each other that was one of the hardest days of my life. Leaving her. But she would want me to be happy here, with Peter a guy who supports me and calms me down the way you once did. I'm sorry I can't see you anymore you were my first girlfriend my first serious relationship but I guess it's time to move on. I will see you again Mia. I will never forget you even though I'm starting a new chapter with my new boyfriend. You would be proud Mia. Proud of me and excited for me I'm dating a superhero after all. You always knew what to say but so does Peter. I am with Peter now but trust me I can never forget how special you made me feel, you made my standards high and Peter met them.

"Thank you Peter."

"For what?"

"For everything."

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