I turned around only to see flowers all growing throughout the street some in cracks of buildings.  I freaked out. Was that me? Is one of Peter's powers growing plants? I know he's spiderman his suit just sat on top of shower ceiling with this sticky web thing holding it up. But he asked me so it can't be him. I need to pretend nothing is wrong with me. "Maybe Spider-Man has a new enemy germination." He laughed. I'm glad he did because I didn't know what was wrong with me. 

I sat in geography completely dumbfounded at what had happened outside. Did I have to chose a side of good or evil? In daily normal day life you can make mistakes and you take for granted what you have, freedom to do dumb things and learn from them. The good people, the superheros are under a magnifying glass. One mistake and the daily bugle is taking you down. As a villain people fear you and hate you and want you dead... but you can make as many mistakes as you want and people just brush it off your a bad person. Right? My teacher shocked me awake "Love your outfit Cece!" I look down only to see I have the clothes I had on during the attack? I don't know what to call it. "I don't feel well can I go home?" I rush the question wanting to race outside. Only my dress had changed not anything else I still had shoes thank goodness but they weren't going to stay for long. "You can't just leave Cece." 

"I um please I feel like I'm going to pass out and I just got cleared from the hospital last night"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry let me call your par-ents." she paused staring at a piece of paper. "Ya you can go I'll inform the office."

At least there are some perks of being disowned people feel bad for you and let you do things. I bolted through the hall as my feet grew colder and colder on the tile floor. I step outside letting out a deep breath. Flowers were growing everywhere around me, wind following close behind. I dashed for my cave. Typically I would have to get wet every single time I walked in or out. This time the water moved and so did the rock. The empty moist cave now started monovering around forming a bed a vanity, a fireplace and a chair all out of rock. The fireplace all of a sudden lit up and warmed the area. It was perfect for me. Not what I always wanted but for a girl who no longer had a last name instead my name was with the government. I don't know why I deserved the incident I don't know why I was chosen to have powers I don't know why only one person in the entire school enjoys my company. Peter is going to freak out when I'm not in math class. 

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