The Golden Knights

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"Did you miss me?"

Everyone turned around to see Felix standing there smirking.

"Oh come on. Where was my invite?"

"Lost in the air traitor." Lee spat.

"Now that is no way to talk to family."

"You're no family to them. I am more family than you." Frankie spoke.

"Tell your wife to keep her mouth shut or..." But Felix was cut off.

"Or what? You'll kill her? Just try it." Lee snapped, sparks forming from his hands.

"Okay, we can all calm down. I just came here to give you a message from Link. He misses you Alexa." Felix Sneered.

"Just get on with it!" Alexa snapped back.

"Okay, okay. The message is 'The secrets lie within Brookhurst Key. A place that is hidden in Avalon."

Everyone looked at him and scowled.

"Don't worry, I am going. but this won't be the last time we all see each other." And with that, Felix turned into mist.

"What the bloody hell is he on about secrets in Brookhurst Key and Avalon?" Alexa shouted.

"I think I know." Lee spoke.

Alexa looked at Lee and gave a half hearted smiled.


Lee explained about the visions he was shown when he went to see Melissa and how these secrets were real along with other knowledge that he knows.

"I have heard of them being in Vanaheim but not Avalon."Lee finished.

"Link is leading us to the wrong place. But why?" Frankie questioned.

"Because he knows about me. He knows that I will be looking for these secrets. They have been playing on my mind ever since I saw Melissa." Lee explained.

"First we need to find out everything that we know. Lee and Lena, you two will go and look in the library, Me, Jasper and Leonard will look at all of the maps and Phoenix, Fox, Una and Molly, you will look in Swordbreak and find out anything you can." Alexa spoke.

Everyone went their separate ways but Lena stayed to talk to Alexa a little bit more.

"I have missed this sexy queen of mine." Lena confessed.

"Oh have you now?" Alexa smirked as she placed a teasing kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "There will be more later."

Just then a shockwave crossed over the kingdom, knocking everyone to the ground. Logan and Dorian came running into the throne room and helped everyone up.

"Logan, what just happened?" Alexa questioned.

"We have just experienced a shockwave. Our magic has changed. The old religion magic is slowly taking over again." Logan smiled.

"That's great news." Lena chimed.

"It is, but it means that certain people will be after us." Logan spoke.

"Nothing has changed there then." Lena rolled her eyes.

"Keep me updated Logan. I must know everything that is happening." Alexa spoke.

The two men walked off and everyone began to do their research on these secrets.

Alexa stood next to Sam as they looked over the maps.

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