He Saved Me Chapter One

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Hey everybody. This is my first time up here, I am super rough around the edges, so just let me know what you think. :)


Chapter One

"No! No, no, no, no, nooo!! Pleeeease!!!"

The last word echoed through my head as I sat up in bed. This was the third time the dream had woken me up tonight.

Dream. I wish it were a dream....more like a nightmare. Actually, I wish it were a nightmare, instead of the cold, cruel reality of my life.

A tear escaped my lashes as I rolled over in bed and curled up in a ball, my arms tucked protectively into my abdomen as the memories of that night came flooding back to me again........

Three Nights Ago

"Where is he?" I whispered to myself as I walked down the steps of the Brooks County Library. I had just finished a study session with my best friend Alice, and my head was pounding. It seems to always do that when we get together to do school work. We'd meet up at her house, my house, or the library as the case is tonight. I'd bring my books, and she'd have forgotten hers. I'd pull out my notes, and she'd pull out her cell phone. I'd begin to study, and she'd begin to do anything but. And in the end, I'd leave with a headache pounding against my left temple.

Don't get me wrong, Alice is a smart girl. I don't think she's ever made a grade below a B in her life, and that's without studying. Imagine the damage she could do to my ego if she actually cracked open a book. I know she could do so much better if she'd just apply herself. I sound like a parent don't I?

Yeah I know. Blame it on my dad. He's always been strict about school. "Isobel, you won't get anywhere in life if you don't know how to shut down all your obstacles with you intellect." Lame, I know, but it has stuck with me since he first said it to me when I was in the third grade.

As I stepped onto the sidewalk, I looked both ways down the somewhat deserted street, hoping to see the headlights of my dad's truck. Nothing but the tail lights of an old Nissan Maxima looked back at me. This is something I hate about living in a small town. It's too empty and quiet at night. I find security in people and noise, so to be alone on a deserted street put me on edge.

I checked my cell phone and realized that it was 9:00. My dad was 30 minutes late.

That's nothing new to me, hence my walking out of the library late, but I just hate to wait.

Tonight was Thursday, a school night, and I have a test tomorrow in Anatomy. I pressed my dad's speed dial and put the phone to my ear and waited.

After several rings, his voice mail kicked on. "You have reached the voice mailbox of...."

"Daddy, we've been done for thirty minutes, where are you? Alice has already gone; otherwise I'd catch a ride with her. Call me when you're on your way. Love you, bye." With a sigh, I sat on a bench and looked both ways again. Now the road was completely deserted and a street lamp flickered across the street.

After twenty minutes, I called dad again, but I just got the voice mail. Defeated, I got up to walk home. I don't live far, but the dark makes me nervous. It always has. My greatest fear is the unknown, that's why I try to learn as much as possible. And no matter which way you cut it, no one knows what lurks in the shadows at night.

With a heavy heart, I turned in the direction of home and began to walk swiftly, checking behind me every five steps. I turned onto 2nd Street at the end of the road, making a right. Still keeping a constant eye behind me, but the closer I got to home, the lighter my heart became, and the safer I felt. I can't believe daddy forgot me. No doubt, he's dozing on the couch in front of the TV, completely oblivious to the fact that his 17 year old daughter is walking darks streets alone.

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