He Saved Me Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter is the product of my inability to sleep. :)

Chapter Eighteen

Isobel's POV

Saturday!!! I smiled and rolled over in bed. This had turned out to be a good week. The results of all of my medical tests had come back negative, when means that I didn't have AIDS or HIV, I hadn't had a nightmare since Tuesday, Bobby and I had talked every day about absolutely everything, and me and my dad's relationship was better than ever, not that he had even noticed a change. For the first time since that night, I actually felt like my life could be normal again.

The delicious aroma of bacon and eggs hit my nose, and I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen to see my daddy standing over the stove with a spatula in his hand, scooping up the last pieces of bacon out of a pan.

"Morning daddy!" I called brightly as I retrieved two glasses from the dish washer and poured up some orange juice.

He glanced back at me with a bright smile on his face and handed me a ready made plate of steaming bacon and eggs. "Good morning kiddo. Did you sleep well? I heard you giggling like school girl on the phone until two in the morning. You aren't tired?"

I giggled then, just thinking about all the things that Bobby and I had talked about last night. "I am a school girl daddy. And yes, I did sleep very well." I recalled the absence of any dark nightmares and smiled again.

We both sat down at the table and he gave me an evil grin. "Well I'm glad you're well rested, because you and the old man are going to be cleaning out the garage after breakfast."

I groaned over a mouth full of bacon and took a sip of my juice to wash it down. "Dad! Why do we have to clean that junkyard today? Can we save it for next week?" The garage is where we stored all the crap that we would never touch again, just like the typical America family.

Dad shook his head and chuckled. "No can do sweet pea. I have a project I'm working on, and I need the space in the garage to work in. If it would make you feel any better, we'll just be throwing everything away, so there's no time consuming sorting to be done."

It didn't make me feel any better and I told him so after I had finished my last scoop of scrambled eggs.

"Well get over it and go get dressed. We have work to do!" he said excitedly as he jumped up and carried his dishes to the sink. "And do the dishes too will ya?"

I briefly wondered what project it was that he could have been working on that would make it necessary to tackle the mess that was our garage. Dad was a road construction worker, so that didn't leave many options for me to wonder about.

"Yea okay..." I mumbled as I slowly trudged back to my room to change.


It took us four hours to get everything boxed and loaded onto the back of daddy's work truck. By that time it was past one o'clock, and I was exhausted. What I wouldn't give to go back to my room and slip under my soft, welcoming comforter.

"Well that's everything kiddo. I'm not gonna ask you to come and help me dump it because you look beat. Why don't you go back to bed for a few hours. It is the weekend."

That's why I love my daddy. Sometimes he can read my mind. Saves me a lot of complaining. I didn't bother responding to his statement, I just made my way back to my room and fell onto the bed.

My eyes opened and closed several times as I searched for the perfect position to nap in. When I finally found it and allowed my heavy lids to drift shut, my phone rang, blasting through the silence of my room. I groaned and rolled over to answer it without identifying the caller. "H'lo?" I answered drowsily.

Bobby chuckled on the other end of the line and I instantly sprang up, alert. "You can't seriously still be sleeping?" he said.

"I seriously can, if my insane father made me help him clean out the garage when I woke up this morning."

The sound of his laughter made my senses tingle and I smiled as I fell back and looked up at the ceiling. "What do you want Slade?" I asked, attempting to sound impatient.

"Well Davis..." he began, "I want to see you." he said in a low, sexy voice that made my heartbeat skip.

"Yeah?" I said, making it sound like a question. "Well you can't see me through the phone, and I wanna sleep." I complained, feeling my eyes begin to droop again against my will. I still did want to hear his voice.

He groaned on the other end and paused before responding. "Well I will settle for a picture, and a promise to go out with me tonight."

My heart skipped again at his request. "Well I have been doing hard labor all day Bobby, I look...tired. Ugly." I corrected.

He made a sound that I couldn't identify before speaking. "You could never look ugly Iz. Send me a pic!" he demanded.

I groaned just to let him know that I wasn't happy with him. "Okay." I said finally.

"About that date...?"

I blushed and sent a thank you up to God that he couldn't see me. "I would love to." I told him hesitantly.

"Great! Seven o'clock?" he asked.

I nodded before I realized that he couldn't see me. "Yeah seven's fine."

I could almost see the smile on his face when he said bye and ended the call.

I tossed my phone and then rolled back over into my comfortable position and tried to capture sleep again.

DING! My cell phone text message tone sounded from my bedside table. I opened it to see that Bobby had sent me a message.

'My picture beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!' he demanded with his words.

I giggled. I had forgotten about it just that fast. I quickly took the picture and sent it without looking at it so that I wouldn't talk myself out of it.

It didn't take long for him to send his response.

'You are CrAzY sexy!'

'AND beautiful!'

Both messages made me blush. 'BLUSHES!' I typed. Then 'Thanx Bobby. Sleep now...'

He didn't send another message after that, and I fell asleep wondering what he had planned for a date.



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