Chapter V 'New Warriors'

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It was almost nightfall by the time Silverpaw, Cloudpaw, and the guest made it near camp. They forgot that they were in the middle of a hunting patrol and that the whole clan was out searching for them. Cloudpaw felt a strange chill crawl up his spine. (I don't think we should bring them in camp.) Cloudpaw thought. (I feel.... unprotected.) Cloudpaw looked over at the black and white Tom and his companion. They looked harmless, especially Fluffy. But Cloudpaw still felt uneasy.

Silverpaw walked toward the camp entrance, Cloudpaw right behind. "Do we, have to go in there?" Fluffy asked, afraid. "It looks....creepy....." Silverpaw turned and opened her mouth to reply, but Acorn did it instead. "Don't be such a fraidy-puss! This is there home. And we're you wanted to be." Acorn hissed. Fluffy looked down at his paws then back up toward Acorn. "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this. Anyway, what is it like in a clan? Are there rules? Do you have to eat-" "FLUFFY!" The apprentices and rogue shouted in unison. "Sorry." Fluffy murmured, embarrassed. (When will that puss ever stop talking?) Silverpaw thought, with a chuckle. Silverpaw is starting to enjoy the company of this silly cat.

Silverpaw slipped through the entrance, Cloudpaw right behind. Acorn had to drag Fluffy inside. "It looks so.... dark, and scary! Can we wait another day? Please?" Fluffy wailed. "Silly fraidy-puss! Quiet your wailing!" Said an angry Acorn. Fluffy put his paws around his mouth. Finally, they all were in camp and walked toward the leaders den. Moonclaw stepped outside, exhausted. Than he saw the newcomers. "Silverpaw Cloudpaw! Your all right!" Is all he could say. He ran over to his daughter and nuzzled her on the nose. The softness in his eyes began to fade as he noticed more clearly what she brought. "What is your business?" Moonclaw asked the rogue and kittypet. "I...I..." Fluffy stammered. Acorn stood in front of him. "We wish to join your clan sir." Moonclaw thought for a moment. Than replied. "Sure, but you must prove

yourself till the last sunrise of this moon if you are to stay."

"Pardon for my cowardly actions leader, may I have your name....?" Fluffy asked in a polite manner. Moonclaw chuckled. "Moonclaw. But, I am temporary leader till Crocstar, our leader, feels better." "We are Acorn and Fluffy." Acorn said in a quick way. "Can we....ummm...start the ceremony? I'm really excited!" Moonclaw smiled weakly, "But of course."

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