Chapter IV 'Strangers'

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I snuck back into the nursery to where I was before. (Crocstar is my father's brother?) She wondered as she looked out of the nursery in panting breaths. Silverkit yawned. It is early dawn, and Silverkit felt too tired to worry anymore about it. (Poor Moonclaw, poor Crocstar.) Silverkit finally curled up fast asleep.


Silverpaw was still tired from yesterday morning. Crocstar's problems including her apprentice ceremony. And only a moon from yesterday did Smokewind and Windbreeze become warriors. She still couldn't believe her own father would choose Sharpfang as her mentor. While her siblings got Riverpool and Swifttail. None of the less, she was at least glad she can see her best friends again. Wolfwhisker, Sharpfang, and Cloudpaw were all chosen to go on a hunting patrol. And Silverpaw purred in delight in going on a patrol with Cloudpaw. Cloudpaw looked at me as we were padding through the swamp.

"How have you been?" He asked. Silverpaw turned back to stare at him. "Horrible," she meowed half jokingly. "It felt like it was seasons and seasons since I've been with my friends!" Cloudpaw chuckled. "Me and my littermate felt the same way too! Windbreeze and Smokewind can be real bullies." "As I've noticed. You must be glad they'll be out of your fur for at least three moons!" Before Cloudpaw could reply, Wolfwhisker rose his tail in the air to halt them. "We are as far from camp as we need to be to hunt." Wolfwhisker stated. "If you hear a single sound of prey, tell us and bring a partner if you want." As soon as Wolfwhisker stopped speaking, Silverpaw scented something in the air. (Squirrel) She beckoned with her tail for Cloudpaw to follow. "And be careful Silverpaw and Cloudpaw, there can be giant lizards in there." Wolfwhisker meowed. "They should know about it already," Sharpfang mumbled. "I can see 'em shaking." Silverpaw to turned around, her tail lashing. (Of course I know about them. But he didn't need to mock us about saying we're scared, cause we aren't.)

Sharpfang stared at the annoyed she-cat, than meowing sharply; "So? You going to hunt that prey or not?" Silverpaw ignored him. Ever since her apprenticeship, Sharpfang mocked her. Silverpaw followed the scent into a clearing, Cloudpaw asked in a whisper; "How do you already know how to hunt? You only just became an apprentice!" "Iceflame has been teaching me. And Sharpfang made sure I learned a lot on our first day." Silverpaw crouched. Cloudpaw crouched as well. Before they even spotted the squirrel, another cat came out clumsily into the clearing; he missed the squirrel by two paw-steps. Silverpaw stepped out of hiding, curiosity took over. Cloudpaw gave a worried glance at Silverpaw before stepping out into the open.

The cat, a Tom, jumped with his fur puffed up. His black and white long fur lied flat when he gave us another look. "Oh, your just young cats. My name is Fluffy by the way, and meet my friend Acorn. She is pretty new to this living in the swamp kinda thing. I'm a pet, just in case you don't know......." Silverpaw and Cloudpaw stood still listening to Fluffy tell his life story. A tortoise shell she-cat stepped out into the open. She looked as bewildered as the apprentices were. "Umm... Fluffy? I think they heard enough of your.....errr.... story." Acorn mumbled. Fluffy turned to look at Acorn. "I was just making new friends. It's been such a long time......" Acorn flicked her tail lovingly, and annoyingly, as Fluffy tried to continue. Fluffy shut his jaws for a few heart beats. Fluffy sighed and looked at Acorn, he shook his head back and forth. (He

can't hold it in any longer.) Silverpaw thought, amused. "Well," Fluffy spoke at last. "you cats are probably wondering why we're here. I was outside in my housefolks backyard longingly staring off at the swamp. I heard that cats lived there, and my paws where aching for adventure. The twolegplace rogue, Acorn, wanted to join me. So, can I meet your leader to ask him, ahem, or her, if we can join?" Fluffy mewed eagerly. Silverpaw and Cloudpaw stared at each other. "I think we should. There pretty nice." Silverpaw whispered in Cloudpaw's ear. "I don't know....." "Come on! Don't be a scaredy puss!" Silverpaw and Cloudpaw stood up and told them they can follow them. (I wonder......are they planning something?)

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