Chapter VII 'Darkness Among The Clans'

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~~~~~~~~~~5 moons later~~~~~~~~~~~

"Moonclaw! Moonclaw!!!!" Panted Lilypetal. (I got to warn him!) "What is it Lilypetal?" Moonclaw asked as he ran over toward the tired she-cat. Lilypetal stopped to catch some breath. "The....gathering! *pant pant* Everyone is under attack!" Moonclaw gasped, "By whom? Is Crocstar okay? He trusted me to stay here and keep guard!" Lilypetal wheesed. "We...don't know... *pant pant* But it killed Trixie! *pant pant*"

(Oh no...) Thought Moonclaw as he ran through the forest. (Poor Cloudstorm and Sparrowflight.... We must stop this before it is too late) Padding through the forest, they came upon a huge oak, and around it, surrounded Pineclan, Moonclan, and SwampClan. Covered in blood and water, the Moonclan cats fainted. Covered in mud and wounds, the Pineclan cats collapsed. And SwampClan, fell silent. "What happened?" Asked Moonclaw. Cloudstorm stood up from his place around Trixie's body. "The....creatures.....killed trixie. All of us....are deeply wounded. It all quickly....The...the...moonlight disappeared before our eyes... and next thing we know... we are out cold...wounded... or...or... dead...." Cloudstorm turned away. (This...shouldn't have happened.....) Moonclaw sighed, he looked around at the cats. Birchstar and Nettlestar carried Crocstar over toward Moonclaw. Moonclaw gasped, he was in an even worse state then he was before.


Silverpaw paced in camp. (On the verge of becoming a warrior and then an attack happens?!?! I hope Cloudstorm is alright...) Silverpaw sighed. Her brother and sister both got to go to the gathering and become warriors before she did. And then what next, an attack? Silverpaw paced again. (Cloudstorm, Sparrowflight, please be alright.....)


*pant pant* Cloudstorm panted as he carried Trixie. Sparrowflight didn't say a word since it all happened, she wouldn't even look Cloudstorm in the eyes. The whole clan started to walk back home. Pineclan blamed Swampclan for the attack, and Moonclan tried to settle the fighting. Moonclaw walked with Lilypetal, leaning against Crocstar to keep him upright. When they had entered camp, Silverpaw ran toward Cloudstorm and Sparrowfilght, "I was so worried!" Cloudstorm looked at Silverpaw with wide eyes. (She cares! But how does she know about the attack?) Sparrowflight said nothing, instead she looked at Trixie. Silverpaw stared at Sparrowflight, her ears drooped and her tail sagged. (This is all my fault.... was the prophecy ment for this?)

To be continued...... in the next chapter!

(Note: I admit, I rushed this chapter. We were going to have friends over for a week so I kinda went crazy. )

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